
Trento Christmas Markets

December 21, 2014
My b-day was on the 19th, but I celebrated it a little before to be with the right people. For those who know my mad obsession for Christmas...Could you immagine something better than Trento Christmas Markets?! Vin Brulè (hot red wine with spices), and then a HUUUUGE burger...after that I was dying... look at the last pic...eheheh. Kisses -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Il mio compleanno è...Read More

Wash & Dry

December 18, 2014
Ok, living in Trento is lovely, BUT I have TWO BIG PROBLEMS. 1. I don't have internet, and it's really hard from the blog till the mails. 2. I don't have a washing machine. I had to wait there for more or less one hour and a half so I took the opportunity to shoot. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, vivere a Trento è molto bello,...Read More

The Hosiery spot

December 15, 2014
Interview with Sara of 7-Sevendays Hello Everyone,I am please to announce another interview this time with Sara of the blog 7-Sevendays.  Sara Lives in Italy and I think she has a really great style, and puts together wonderful outfits.  I love how she is able to incorporate hosiery into her outfits as well.  She kindly sent me a few photos showing how she styles...Read More

Now I can handle them

December 11, 2014
Right now I am like a little child with lollipops...I found a beanie that can hold my hair...CAN YOU BELIEVE ITTTTTTT? I am desperately in love with any kind of hats...but because of my hair I can't wear any type. Tezenis saved my life!!! And it's also cheap...more or less 10euros. Then I met by coincidence this playground...perfect for the day. P.s. Star...Read More

Found in the closet

December 09, 2014
Morning, I have spent this 8th December with my family at home. Maybe it is one of my favourite festivity cause we manage to decorate ALL the house for Christmas and I mean all...actually the talented one is my sister. Coming back home I found in my closet this white jeans...think I haven't been wearing them for ages, and my BELOVED "Twin-set" pumps...Read More

Il circolino

December 08, 2014
Do we have to say stripes?! Yes we do! By coincidence I was styled like the juke box ahaha. Ladies and Gentlemen..."Il Circolino", this is the bar were I work now in Trento. Now I live with my sis...it has been centuries that we haven't been together, it's so weird...and wonderful. Now I can also see my cusin <3. Isn't this place amazing?!...Read More

Yellow sea

December 04, 2014
I found it agaaaaaain, the Ginkgo Biloba, I think it's one of my favourite trees in autumn. The power of the colour gives a lot of energy. When I was taking pics many people stopped in contemplation. I wasn't ready to shoot for a post...but actually I couldn't manage not to stop. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L'ho trovato di nuovoooooo, il Ginkgo Biloba, penso sia uno dei miei...Read More

White flowers

November 29, 2014
Hi everybody! I am not feeling very well lately :-( I hope I'll get better soon. Anyway I am starting a new adventure in my life...and as I see there will be a lot in this 2015. I'll let you know. White flower: symbol of purity, used when you are waiting for news... ...2015 fingers crossed! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Salve a tutti! Non sto troppo...Read More

The bike

November 25, 2014
I always loved to ride the bike in Florence, cause I used to have it in my home-town. Unfortunately it is so difficult not to be stolen here...It happened to me after only one month. :-( This is not mine, but I had the opportunity to ride one again for one day. Eheh. Anyway...if you can use it, it is a lovely sensation....Read More

Rivoire 1872

November 24, 2014
Ohohoh! I am super duper excited... My body, my brain, my feelings have decided that it's winter, and in my mind winter means just one thing: Christmas. Only ONE MONTH. In the meanwhile I begin to feel confident to this season drinking hot chocolate. If you are in Florence it worth going to Rivoire in Piazza della Signoria in the very city centre;...Read More

Fiesole by summer

November 22, 2014
I have to share with you others pics of Fiesole, this small village full of green, with a great view, near Florence...the weather was a little bit better and hotter...Pale outfit, comfy for a small walk! Infact, to reach the Panorama, the path is a little bit hard, but short. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ho altre foto da condividere con voi di Fiesole, questa cittadina immersa...Read More


November 21, 2014
Tac tac tac...Last time I didn't post every pic modified by Google-composition. Here we are! And we are done for the moment...I am just waiting for Google to surprise me again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tac tac tac..L'ultima volta non ho postato tutte le immagini modificate dalla composizione di Google. Eccoci qui! E per ora siamo a posto per il momento...aspetterò ancora di essere sorpresa dalle...Read More

Sunset on the bridge

November 20, 2014
Speaking about sunsets...I think it's time to post this spectacular shot. Right pose, in the right point at the right time...with the right weather...thank you wind!!!! This was another experience of the "going-down-sun"...but this time in the very center of Florence...Ponte Santa Trinita. If you are in town I really suggest you to enjoy the sunset from one of the bridges. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A...Read More


November 19, 2014
Hi everybody. Today I managed to find few hours without rain to go to the countryside. Fiesole area near Florence is so magic. Maybe it is cause I miss my mountains, but a walk through the trees can really make my day! Actually the special colours of autumn, and the wonderful tones of the sunset made me think how gorgeous is nature. Really...Read More

Aristocratic balcony

November 15, 2014
Hiiiiiiii!!!! How much I miss this place. I think that I will come to do a real shooting here. It is perfect for magical moments, prom dresses, in one word special-atmospheres. For those how are in Bologna, this terrace is in Parco Montagnola; from one side there is the green of the park, on the other it's visible Bologna's streets like an aristocratic...Read More

They always make me feel good

November 12, 2014
Checking my archive I saw this photo with Paola, actually I don't know why I didn't post it before... I think it's really nice. I love the contrast between our lipsticks. It was shot by my friend Babak, have a look to his blog. I take this opportunity to thank all my close friends, they always make me laugh and make me feel...Read More

Rain brings something different

November 07, 2014
After these days I could't avoid a "rainy-post". Actually this one is from a summer storm in Florence; but the situation now is not much better. If it still goes on like this I'll start to build my personal boat. When it rains it is so strange...people is running, some is trying to sell you umbrallas, some is waiting under...whatever they find in...Read More


November 05, 2014
These sunny days are far away  :-( There is nothing special about this outfit, but I really like my new vest <3 And actually there is also one more thing: this earring is my mother's pin. I think I am gonna try again to turn pins into earrings!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Queste belle giornate ormai sono un lontano sogno :-( Non c'è nulla di speciale...Read More


November 04, 2014
Every now and then google plus create animations with my pics...they are so funny aren't them?! I wanted to share them with you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ogni tanto google plus crea animazioni con le mie foto...divertenti vero?! Volevo condividerle con voi ...Read More

Running last minute

November 02, 2014
Even if every year we try to get ready for Halloween, we always run in the shops last minute...but we made it!!!!! I think you need no more words to explain this party, so...enjoy the pics! How was your Halloween? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anche se ogni anno cerchiamo di farci trovare preparati per Halloween, ci tocca sempre correre all'ultimo secondo...ma ce l'abbiamo fatta!!!! Credo che...Read More

Imperfect time 4\4

October 30, 2014
And one..and two...and one two three four!  I fell in love with this OVS t-shirt! First of all I like the stamp, second I adore the shape and third I love the material; it is really thick, so it's not falling down. Then I bought also this pair of leggings, they remind me of optical art, cute aren't they?! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E un...e due...e...Read More

Optical trick

October 30, 2014
Soooo quite. I couldn't believe myself when I saw the Arno so still... I tried to turn upside-down the pic and it could work almost like this too. I leave you with this optical trick. Goodnight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coooosì calmo. Non potevo credere ai miei occhi quando ho visto l'Arno così fermo...ho provato a girare la fotografia a testa in giù e poteva quasi...Read More

The costumized sweater

October 28, 2014
It's a long time that I haven't been wearing this sweater...Everytime I do it there is somebody that says that it's gorgeous...Handmade stuff is always the best. Thanx mum!!!!! My favourite sweater with my favourite winter shoes...couldn't be bad ;-) Today I could use it without any longsleeves thanks to the weather...that's how I prefer it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Era un sacco di tempo che...Read More


October 26, 2014
The happiness to eat a burger DLING...actually this one wasn't that delicious...but it is the mistery of the junk food...you know that it's not healty but sometimes you really need to eat it. I guess it is the shape of the burger...it's like an interesting building, and it is so coloured...and maybe it is also cause you can eat it with your fingers...Yes!...Read More


October 25, 2014
Finally here you are the pics of my Greek holidays. There is a bunch of them...hope you don't get bored :-P As you may see I loved to take photos of the sunset; the sun reflected in the sea has something magic. The bridge that you see is the bridge of Patra. I think it is one of the most elegant ones, and...Read More

Male affection

October 23, 2014
Lately I am really captured by outfits that reminds of something male. So I got to my father closet and I stole a pair of trousers. Poor dad, sometimes I steal shirts, sometimes trousers, sometimes ties... Because of the big size I used a belt to fix them. Then when I wore them the outfit was shouting heels, I think it turned out...Read More

24 hours ferry boat

October 23, 2014
Ok, let's talk a little bit about the travel to go to Greece: 24 hours by ferry-boat, DECK :-S Myyyyy Goood. The never ending story. I want to give some advices to the poor people like me that has to deal with something similar. ° First of all take the opportunity to try the fantastic greek-cold-coffee! They are delicious, and there is a...Read More

Not a bad experiment

October 15, 2014
And here again one of the aprons I turned in top. Actually even if I did it when I didn't know how to sew, and the seams are TERRIBLE, I really like the idea that I had, it is very "young" know. I wore it with sand tones cause it has a wonderful green on it, and I wanted it to show up....Read More


October 14, 2014
Maybe one of the funniest things in Greece has been selling onions at the market in Patra, they call it Laiki. I helped Mixalis, the guy you see in the pics, for a couple of hours. He grows the onions by himself. It is a tough job, I really admire him.  With the colour of my dress I was like a fly in...Read More

Killini Postcard

October 13, 2014
I didn't say anything about my summer...One by one I am gonna tell you everything...let's cheer up now that it is so far away :-P Ahahahaha, even if...telling the truth... I am still waiting for Christmas, but ok I am a little bit TOOOO maniac with Christmas...it is since August that I am singing Christmas Carols. Anyway this is a "Beautiful Postcard" shot...Read More

Coral pink

October 07, 2014
Moooorning, even if maaany times I am a black and white person, I think colours are so beautiful. Since last year I fell in love with this pink-coral tone. I bought jacket, shoes, shirt. Today I combined it with a simple pair of leggings and boots. I didn't need anything else cause the colour "could speak by himself". And ok I am becoming...Read More

Funny memories

October 05, 2014
During this trip we've visited the city of Aosta too...and my sis and I had lots of opportunities to shoot "different" photos, let's say funnier. Hope you like them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In questo viaggio abbiamo anche visitato la città di Aosta...io e mia sorella abbiamo avuto molti spunti per scattare foto un pò più "particolari", diciamo divertenti. Spero vi piacciano ...Read More

Mountains in Valle D'Aosta

October 04, 2014
Hi buddies, even if I am not a great great walker every now and then I join my family to go to the mountains. Last week it was my parents' anniversary and we had the opportunity to visit the Valle D'Aosta. I had never been there, but it was like if I had always lived in those mountains...I don't know why, maybe cause...Read More

It's a matter of trench

October 02, 2014
Autumn, the most interesting and more difficult season to find out what to wear. Yesterday for example it was sooooooo cold...I just wanted to wear thousends of blankets. Today...bikini, and then it started to rain. I had faith that a trench could be my solution. But don't worry, many times this problem it is the best way to find interesting outfits cause you...Read More

Calamity Jane

September 25, 2014
Hi from Bologna. It is not one of the most important italian cities, but it has its charm. I found this roof garden and I had to take some shots! Since I had to walk all day I decided to wear my booties (I love them, think I will try to go to bed with them once) a big skirt and a sporty...Read More

Dot dot dot

September 24, 2014
Oh September sweet September. I didn't even realized that it passed by. Anyway, it is still quite good weather to stay outside and enjoy the last sun rays. Here you are...a super simple outfit: skirt, boots and shirt...but what a shirt! It was my grandma's. Love vintage taste! I find the combination between the bow and the pois really elegant. P.s. I promise...Read More

Not only garbage

August 10, 2014
Uhuhuuuuuh! I am really happy to share with you this photoshooting. It's a friend of mine's project: Babak. (Click the name to see his blog). I did the dress with recycled materials and he gave me the opportunity to do some shots. I want to thank our friends as well who lend us their studio and of course the model Areta. There is something in...Read More

Cause the quality is important

August 08, 2014
It seems to be a curse, everywhere I go there is no internet... Now I am sitting in a bar "stealing" internet connection, ehehe ;-) I couldn't take better pictures, but I really wanted to share with you this shirt. It was my granny's. Sometimes I ask myself why nowadays the quality is not even comparable to our grandparent's-time?! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sembra essere una...Read More


August 04, 2014
This is where my father keeps his tools for our garden. Easy outfit for easy stuff. I think that I will "play" again in this place. P.S. Even if it's really simple, I love this top. It's made by my granny. It's super comfy and the finishes are wow...you can see it in the neck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Questo è il posto dove mio papà...Read More

The bird cage

July 08, 2014
This is the perfect time to set to rights the house, no hurry, great weather. I know that maybe u think I am crazy, but I love when after the mess comes the order; I feel clean. Ok, during this activity, my eye has been caught by this fake bird-cage, and I transformed it into my scenary. What do you think about this...Read More


June 27, 2014
I love living in Florence, but coming back to my village in the mountains gives another energy. I really miss colour GREEN. Today I went out with my family for a walk. It was amazing: we saw animals, rivers, plants... Tip of the week: Every now and then a walk in the countryside it's a "cure-all" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adoro vivere a Firenze, ma tornare...Read More


June 26, 2014
Today's post has shot half by me, half by my sis. I was feeling really hippy: insted of wearing flowers, I decided to water them :-) I love this bright colours, and the watering can was perfect for the palette...ahahahah. Another new entry...except the watering can... :-P are these earrings, a present from my mum. I find them super delicate, perfect for an...Read More

S.Lorenzo Dreaming Night

June 24, 2014
This year I saw a lot of fashion shows, someone better, someone not...I'll show you one at a time. This one was right out S.Lorenzo Church Florence. It was the presentation of the final year of a Fashion School, theme: DREAMS. I can't say that I liked all the dresses, but here you can find some to have the idea. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quest'anno ho...Read More

Change in one move

June 23, 2014
Ok, today for you a post a little bit different from the others. I wanna show you how many styles you can change just with one foulard .  Magic word: CREATIVITY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, oggi per voi un post un pò diverso dagli altri. Vi voglio mostrare quanti stili si possono cambiare solamente con un foulard.  Parola magica: CREATIVITA'. ...Read More

Mirror mirror on the wall

June 22, 2014
And now something more cozy. Here I had just woke up in Trento, in my sis' apartment. Whatever-hair-style, with a sort of pajamas-training suit. Who hasn't been like this at least...ONCE A WEEK...Ahahahah ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E ora qualcosa di comodo. Qui mi sono appena alzata a Trento, nell'appartamento di mia sorella. Capelli alla "va là che va bene", con una sottospecie di pigiama-tuta. Chi...Read More

Hat & bows

June 21, 2014
Ok, maybe this outfit with the hat it's a little bit too much, but guys...I love hats!!! I should be born in England...This one has been bought in a Peruvian shop in Florence. Just to understand: the hat was in the shop only to be exposed...I wanted it so badly that I conviced the shop-assistant to sell it! Another new entry are these...Read More


June 19, 2014
Voilà, this is the first real fashion-post after months. As many of you already know, I prefer simple outfits to the more studied ones, cause I don't see the point to shoot unwearable clothes. Today I've shot with a friend...this coloured flower...ahahahah. I was so inspired. I've always liked simple T-shirts combined with ripped jeans and heels. Wearing heels is not the first...Read More

Le Albere

June 18, 2014
After few months, here I am again! It was hard to decide which post was the best to re-enter my blog world. In the end I've chosen a simple one with my sis.  We had great time in this new area of Trento. The weather was perfect, as well as our mood.  I leave you with some pics in this sculpture-park of "Le...Read More


January 23, 2014
Peekaboo!!!! Sorry guys lately I have really no time to take pictures. I am studying like crazy! It should be the really last exam of architecture...Fingers crossed for me ;-) Hope I can do some photoshooting before...but now I am going out with the uniform for Ioanna's bar, and then I get super cozy at home to study. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cucu!!!! Scusate ragazzi, ultimamente...Read More
