

January 30, 2012
I am studying again, probably you are bored to hear it, but I can I assure u that I am more bored than u... :-( Today a post for details. The outfit by itself is not so particular, but I played with the detalis. - The jacket buttoned with the wrong holes - The belt closed with a sort of knot - The...Read More

The DaY AFter...

January 29, 2012
Mmm, I am sorry that the photos aren't so amazing, cause I really love this evening-outfit. I was wearing Yamamay shoes and lace long sleeves, while the dress by Guess. I am really proud of this outfit cause I had a shower, decided how to dress and dressed up in 20 minutes, a record!!! Usually it takes me longer. But u know, some...Read More

liTTLe BRAid

January 27, 2012
Today a combination of easy going things and smarter ones. My Zara shirt mixed with this Oviesse turtle neck and my skinny trousers with leather inserts; at my feet...Diesel trainers. Do you like my hair style? Oggi combinazione di cose più semplici con cose più eleganti. La mia camicina Zara abbinata a questa maglia collo alto dell'Oviesse e i miei pantaloni skinny con...Read More

wELcOME to THe JunGLe

January 25, 2012
Welcome to the Jungle! Agr! I am so glad, today a have spent some time acting like when I was a kid: wearing strange things dancing in front of the mirror, I had so much fun in my childhood, and I enjoyed a lot today too. I am wearing a dress I sewed (It's a skirt, but it's so long that I can...Read More

aT The FaCULty

January 25, 2012
A super flash post, unfortunately, I am still studying... These are some photos from my faculty, top floor. I had to run from one part of the city to the other so I've chosen warm, and cozy clothes with my rubber wedges. The sunglasses are always by Nouvelle Vague, while the turtle neck by Guess. P.S. With my pleasure I had the opportunity...Read More

rEd ItEms

January 24, 2012
Ok, maybe I have an obsession with the red colour, I haven't noticed it before the blog, but now that I see...I have so many red outfits. This morning I wanted to introduce other colours, I promise, but than...red again! I always had problems with this skirt, cause I really love it, but it's not easy to combine with shoes, but this morning...Read More

St. cROce mAiN DooR

January 22, 2012
Mmm, I was right, I was not feeling good neither yesterday evening, nor this morning, so I stayed at home trying to study...Fortunately I took these photos some days ago, so my daily post is on time! I have chosen a very comfortable look and warm based on brown and burgundy colours. This is the first time I wear this scarf with the...Read More

bLuE WitH LacE

January 21, 2012
What do u think about the new header? I really like it! This is the outfit of yesterday evening. There was a seminary for young people to help them to get job, unfortunately it was based much on economy, and studying architecture it was hard to me to understand, anyway, this event was combined with a formal dinner, and this is the dress...Read More

BeLgraVE Et leS FleurS

January 21, 2012
      Yesterday night I went to a florentine pub "Sei Divino" to listen to a band: BELGRAVE Et LES FLEURS. It was a very good band and my friends Ioanna, Ale and I, had a lot of fun, I was excited at home too -as u can see in the first photos...- My sporty berret by Oviesse, a decorated t-shirt found in my...Read More

wARm cOLourS

January 19, 2012
Ok, my camera is giving up...I have just these photos for this post, I think I need a new one... I took these photos yesterday, the day was so nice that I had a study break to go to see the river Arno, it's so beautiful in sunny days! Vintage sun glasses by Nouvelle Vague, basic monochrome long sleeves and the scarf fixed...Read More

feEliNG FreE

January 18, 2012
Don't u think that Florence is more beatiful when u feel happy?! The exam is DONE. This is my best friend Besi, we studyied together...and we won together! For tomorrow I promise u a more...fashion post! Non credete che Firenze sia più bella quando ci si sente felici?! HO PASSATO l'esame. Questo è il mio migliore amico Besi, abbiamo studiato insieme...e abbiamo vinto...Read More

sHariNG eVERyTHing

January 16, 2012
Guys, I'm sharing everything with u, so I wanna make u part of my life, the good moments and the bad ones, tomorrow I have an exam, so fingers crossed. This is me with my new home-studying-outfit by Yamamay. Ragazzi, sto condividendo tutto con voi, quindi voglio farvi parte della mia vita, i bei momenti e i brutti, domani ho un esame, quindi...Read More


January 16, 2012
What a wonderful Sunday! I spent it with my family to celebrate my granfather's 90th b-day. Unfortunately the battery for my camera is not arrived yet, so we took the photos of the day with my cousin's camera and I used mine just for the post. I wanna show u soon my sister, today she was very beautiful and the shooting today it's...Read More

niGHt iS The nEW daY

January 15, 2012
Oh my God guys, I'm becoming a night creature. I was dressed since this morning, but I stayed at home to study since... 11:30pm, I hope you will get used to this dark light...ahahah. The reason why I love this outfit is bacause it's full of handmade clothes. The sweater is made by one granny the jacket by the other and the scarf...Read More

tHe KNitteD hAT

January 14, 2012
Finally here we are! I came back to my old style of posts. For today comfortable jeans from Armani Jeans, a pair of wonderful tights with roses by Calzedonia combined with my ankle boots; for the top everything grey-pink. My mum knitted me this sweater and this particular hat, what to u think about it? It's not a common shape...I find it perfect....Read More


January 13, 2012
I wanna restart where I left it! Can u remember this style? I was trying to post it when my computer collapsed! Now my computer is back in shape thank Babak; I am sure u remember Babak, he was the one who did this wonderful shooting. The outfit is based on red and brown colours. Particular is this hooded scarf and this short...Read More

fLUffy OraNGE

January 12, 2012
I like this style very much, but unfortunately I don't like the shooting today...never mind, I hope it will be better for the next time! I tried for the first time these Zara shoes with trousers...I like the result! What do u think about it? I've chosen a dark style with coloured orange detail. I want to leave u with a Jim Morrison's...Read More

riSiNG ForCE

January 11, 2012
Rising Force, that's exactly what I needed. Today was the end of the party! Coming back to Florence for studing :-( So I've chosen a look more aggressive: a Yngwie Malmsteen tee from the album Rising Force; pale colours for the sweater by Invicta (yes, it's not only for backpacks) and the hat by Oviesse; my already known boots from Nero Giardini and...Read More

vEst wiTh HEArtS

January 09, 2012
I am so glad I found it: this is my mum's vest and last time I came here in Feltre she told me that maybe she had thrown it away, I was desperate so I searched the whole house...and I found it, now it's mine! I don't know why but during this holiday I am using clothes from many people, today the vest...Read More

tHe pUPPEts ShoW

January 09, 2012
I had a very girlish moment tonight. I saw my puppets that are always lying down on my bed and I put them in a strange case...my shoes. Girlish moments need also girlish outfit: grey cardigan with a grey skirt combined together, a white top, grey decorated tights and white and lilac vintage shoes. Everything is no name except the Calzedonia tights, that...Read More

rEd'N CAp

January 07, 2012
Here we go again, daily as usual. Today I spent wonderful time having lunch in good company, but I was feeling so good that I forgot to take photos, so I took them tonight. I immagine that u have already noticed that sometimes I like wearing a sort of military uniform: my outfit is made by Nero Giardini boots, my leggings with leather...Read More


January 06, 2012
Finally I am here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I promise, now I am not ill anymore and I will post daily as usual. Yesterday my friends and I were having fun to be prepared for the 6th of January. We sewed some socks that will be filled by the Befana (an old lady who carries sweets for good children and coal for bad ones). We sewed, we...Read More

hAppY nEw YeaR EveRYbodY

January 01, 2012
Hi guys, did you miss me?? I am so unlucky, till yesterday I had the flu...so today New Year's Eve at home, so strange, but it's funny; considering that I don't like this event very much, something different for this year! I wanna wish you a gorgeous 2012! At the end of the post you can find the essence of the New Year's...Read More
