Yes, maybe in this period I am very focused on pink-purple colours... This post is dedicated to my friend Silvia that gave me this wonderful cape. I decided to wear the flower-brooch in my hair. Few days ago I had a wonderful walk in the hills, I love breathing fresh air! P.s. I was trying to surf on one branch. Sì, forse in...Read More
Uhuh, I am so happy with my new sweater, since I've received it, I haven't "left it alone". This time my mum has been really good. And it matches perfectly with the bag that my aunt gave me for my graduation. Uhuh, sono troppo contenta della mia nuova maglia, dal momento che l'ho ricevuta non l'ho "mai lasciata sola". Mia mamma questa volta...Read More
As you already know I had my graduation few days ago, so I was desperate for my b-day... My friends prepared me a surprise: Sparkling Wine and a home-made Cake. Thank you Ioanna, Costy and Ale. (p.s. isn't Costy's hat adorable?!) Then I had sushi with J, Besi, Ioanna and Rando. IN THE END I HAD A GREAT B-DAY. Come già saprete avevo...Read More
These pics were taken in Florence about a week ago after the hairdresser. I am not wearing a special outfit, but I was so proud of my hair that I wanted to shoot some pics!!! Queste foto sono state scattate a Firenze una settimana fa circa, dopo il parrucchiere. Non indosso nulla di particolare, ma ero talmente orgogliosa della mia piega che ho...Read More
Oh yes, today I am dressed with my dad's clothes. I ADORE men's wardrobes. This shirt is a very old one, when he was young. The trousers are new made by my grandpa. And here you can see my wonderful cat Nala. Eh sì, oggi sono vestita interamente con abiti di mio papà . IO ADORO gli armadi maschili. Questa camicia è sua ed...Read More
Hi guys, I don't know if you've noticed it, but.....I've got a new cameraaaaa. I am trying to improve day by day. These pics were taken during the Christmas day: outdoor after the Mess, and indoor during the lunch and the wrapping of the presents. My sis and I received a handmade sweater made by our mum. <3 Ciao a tutti, non so...Read More
Hi buddies, MERRY CHRISTMAS! This year it's really a special Christmas for me. I had my b-day on 19th, then my graduation on 21st, and now I am celebrating Christmas. I've always adored Christmas, but this year is really the celebration of the year. Have a look to the Christmas video of the last year at the end of the post ;-) Carisssssssimi,...Read More
Guys, these days are full of emotions... Tomorrow I'll get my degree, but here in Italy we have an interview to explain our project. I am a little bit stressed...fingers crossed. P.s. When we get the graduation we wear a crown or a collar of laurel, what do you do in your country? Ragazzi, questi sono giorni pieni di emozioni...Domani mi laureo, qui...Read More
I'll tell you about my B-day the next days. For now I leave you with this Harry Potter style,ahahah, I don't know why, but with this hat and this striped scarf I feel like if I were a supporter in the Gryffindor Quidditch those glasses! I like it hope you like it too. A huge hug. Vi racconterò del mio compleanno nei...Read More
In Italy it's 4:30 and I am still studying. On friday I will have my final so I have to work hard, but the bad thing is that today it's my b-day, and I don't know how I am gonna spend it. To start I' ve received this lovely collage from my cousin (If you check her blog you'll find me when I was...Read More
I was having a look to my little archive of pics, when I realized that some pics were blurred, but interesting though. What do you think? I think that many of them seem to be more videos than pics. P.s. In my previous posts I used just two of them...can you spot which ones? Stavo dando un'occhiata al mio piccolo archivio di foto,...Read More
Aperitif with my two best frinds (Besi, Ioanna), what else should I ask for? I haven't taken pics of my look, but maybe I'll do it tomorrow, cause this is a new dress with a gorgeous tone of blue and I wanna show it to you. P.s. I know that many of you, my great readers, come from Germany. Besi is moving to...Read More
I tought it was time for my super warm coat too...It wasn't cold at all...never mind. I am scared of myself, I used to not wear tights an skirt so much...I haven't understand how my brains works yet. One day I wake up...and I change from head to toe my style. Does it happen to you too? Pensavo fosse arrivata l'ora del mio...Read More
And then we ask ourselves why we love Winter?! What is more paradisiac then a hot coffee with a kilo of cream and Amaretto di Saronno\Grand Marnier inside it??? After touching heaven with our hot cocktails, Ioanna and I had a walk through the Christmas shop windows and the Christmas market of St Croce. There the hot dogs were calling us....we answered!!!!!!! E...Read More
For those who follow me since last year, you probably already know that during the winter I am addicted to the colour red. Today the attention is given to this "alpin" sweater. The beads on the buttons form a kinda edelweiss. I adore the pompons all over the sweater. Per quelli che mi seguono dall'anno scorso, forse già saprete che durante l'inverno io...Read More
Today I leave you with the out-takes of the Firmoo Video review. It makes me laugh when I see me with a lot of self confidence and then...crash! ahahahah Oggi vi lascio con le scene sbagliate del Video per Firmoo. Mi fa un sacco ridere vedermi così convinta e poi sbagliare miseramente! ahahahah ...Read More
Step by step I am becoming a Santa's elf. The winter brings my happiness, I wanna wear only colourful clothes. Isn't this combo beret+scarf super cute?! It's a four years ago B-day present, but when the winter comes I feel excited in wearing it as if it was the first time. P.s. This is one of the outfits for Firmoo Glasses. Don't forget...Read More
Finally I'll tell you something about these glasses. I had a collaboration with this brand Firmoo, an online glasses store. I am super happy about everything. - The customer care is efficient, they answer every e-mail very very fast. - The site is easy and the Try On System is very useful. - The packaging is amazing. - The shipping is fast. - The...Read More
Today I used a very basic outfit of black and white adding pops of blue and burgundy. What do you think about it? P.s. I love these gloves P.p.s. I'll tell u better about these glasses!!! Oggi ho usato un outfit molto basico di bianco e nero e ci ho aggiunto degli sprazzi di blu e magenta. Che ne pensate? P.s. Io adoro...Read More
8th December, I couldn't avoid a Christmas post. In my family there is the tradition that within the 8th December every Christmas decoration in the house has to be in its place. Here in Florence I don't have many Christmas decorationS, but I tried to feel the Christmas atmoshere with a candle-light-brunch accompained by the present of the Advent calendar. (A pair of...Read More
Everytime I'm impressed by the solutions you can find around. I shared two funny ways to avoid the wardrobe. The first is very clever if you don't have the same high for the corners of the room. And I think is very chic. The second left me speechless. I find it perfect for a second house. U arrive and u fill the chair;...Read More
I went out with some friends of mine (Ale and Ioanna) and this was my outfit. Very simply, but chic I think. Touch of personality?! -> The rose in my head, that it's both a brooch and an hairpin and comes from New York (Thanx Mum!!). Sono uscita con alcuni miei amici (Ale e Ioanna) e questo era il mio outfit. Molto semplice, ma...Read More
Today I don't even know why I mixed all of this stuff. I just new that I wanted comfortable shoes; this sweater, cause I haven't worn it for a long time; and a hat. I ended up like this...satisfied. Oggi non so nemmeno perchè ho mixato assieme tutta questa roba. Sapevo solo di volere scarpe comode; questa maglia, perchè era un secolo che...Read More
Today I had really studyied a lot... I leave you with this kick. Hope to kick out of my life this final I have to do too... Have a nice Wednesday! Oggi ho studiato davvero un lascio con questo calcio. Spero di dare un calciare fuori dalla mia vita anche questa laurea... Buon Mercoledì! ...Read More
Ok,ok. I know that you are used to Bloggers that don't dare use the clothes more than ones. You know what?! I don't agree, I think I can inspire even if I use the same pair of socks for here you are! I fell in love so much with them that I decided to wear them again, but in a different style....Read More
Woooooow, I am so proud of my new socks!!!!!!!! Thanx mum! Yesterday I opened my first little bag of the advent calendar. For those who don't know, the advent calendar is a calendar used just from 1st December till the 24th. Every day you open: a window of the calendar with sweets inside (if you buy it), or you open a little bag...Read More
Ohohoh, 1st December...Oh My God, haven't even noticed the time passed by. So, for the situation, a more winter outfit, with fur, red colour and boots. Yeah, definitely a combination that suggests Christmas. Ohohoh, già il primo di Dicembre...Mamma mia, non mi sono nemmeno accorta di quanto sia volato il tempo. Quindi, per l'occasione, un outfit un pò più invernale, con pelo, colore...Read More
Today I had the magazine Flair (October) on my table and I had this idea of mixing these accessories with animals shapes using Flair as a background. Can you see where they are? Oggi avevo la rivista Flair (Ottobre) sul tavolo e mi è venuta l'idea di mixare questi accessori dalle forme animali utilizzando Flair come scenario. Riuscite a vederli? ...Read More
I wanted to show u these new sparkle-tights I bought. They are opaque, low-rise, sparkle tights, by Calzedonia. I think they are perfect for this period of celebrations. Vi volevo mostare queste nuove calze scintillanti che ho comprato. Sono coprenti, a vita bassa, brillantinose, le ho prese da Calzedonia. Penso siano perfette per questo periodo di feste. ...Read More
TOC TOC! HELLOOO! IT'S ME! This time I used my door as scenary. This look today reminds me of Paris, don't you think so?! It's a shame that, because of the dark, you can't see that the tights were green, the contrast was very nice. TOC TOC! CIAOOOO! SONO IO! Sta volta ho usato uno scenario più domestico, la porta di casa. Il...Read More
Yeah, I think it's a Tight-period!!! I found out that these orange ones have perfectly the same tone of my knitted vest. And this vest has the same brown-colour of a wool-sweater. I mixed everything together and ta-dan, here you are. Sì, penso proprio che sia per me un periodo pro calze!!! Ho scoperto che queste arancioni si abbinavano perfettamente al mio gilet...Read More
I told u the medicine was partying!!! I went to the Starlight party with Paola, Ioanna and Besi. It was located in the Privè of a Florentine disco: the Yab. The name of the Privè is Sophie; for those who follow me on facebook: that's the reason why I had a new tatoo this morning. Ve l'avevo detto che la medicina sarebbe stato...Read More
Eh eh eh, STUDYING CAN CAUSE SERIOUS MENTAL PROBLEMS!!! Here you are, a little comics. Eh eh eh, LO STUDIO PUò NUOCERE GRAVEMENTE ALLA SALUTE!!! Ecco a voi un piccolo fumetto. ...Read More
First of all...welcome back old style of posts!!! My friend Marina was asking for this format for a long long time. I think it's a funnier way to write the brands, how do you see it? Today my style was inspired by Santa Claus' elfs, I loooooooooooooove Christmas, can't wait for it. Prima di tutto...dò il bentornato al vecchio stile di post!!! La...Read More
Hi guys, today I had a break, it has been like Sunday!! Lovely <3 I enjoyed myself with sushi (Japanese restaurant Kome) and I had a walk. Ciao ragazzi, oggi mi sono presa una pausa, è stato come fosse domenica!! Fantastico <3 Mi sono coccolata con il sushi (ristorante giapponese Kome) e ho fatto un giretto. Jumper: Pepe Rosa Longsleeves: H&M Skirt:Vintage Tights: Calzedonia Ankle Boots:Vintage...Read More
Some Sunday Architecture!!! This is Piazza Santa Croce of Florence and the church you Santa Croce... This square hosted a marble exposition so everything was so white...Loved it! Un pò di Architettura domenicale!!! Questa è Piazza Santa Croce di Firenze e la chiesa che vedete...è Santa Croce... La Piazza ha ospitato da poco una mostra con sculture di marmo,quindi tutti era bianchissimo...L'ho...Read More
Today I got up and I wanted to wear this dress in a more sporty look...I ended up in a more bon ton way, anyway I am satisfied :-) Oggi mi sono alzata e volevo indossare questo vestito in una maniera un pò più sportiva...Sono finita per metterlo in un modo decisamente bon-ton, ad ogni modo, sono soddisfatta del risultato :-) Coat: Vintage...Read More
I am very very excited! It's just few days that I bought this ring...I totally fell in love with it. I take it off just to sleep. It's a frog-ring, it's made by an artisian: Patrick Wandael. The shop is in Florence: Parsifal; but he has an online shop with a lot of nice stuff, if you wanna have a look click HERE P.s. Every item...Read More
Guys, this time I took the pics with my friend Besi, and usually I take it alone, as you already know...I couldn't avoid to laugh every second... Hero of the day?! This pair of Calzedonia Socks. Sometimes you can light an outfit with few things... Ragazzi, questa volta mi sono fatta scattare le foto dal mio amico Besi, mentre normalmente mi arrangio da...Read More
Few days ago this was the sky upon my head... I can't even say anything, enjoy! Qualche giorno fa questo era il cielo sopra la mia testa...non riesco ad aggiungere altro, buona visione! ...Read More
Helloooo! I am very satisfied for my "mise" today. I decided what to wear in one nanosecond. Yeah, I am not that kind of person that says: "well, yes in the morning I get dressed quite fast..." Come on, I know that you hate them, I hate them too, cause yes, some days it take me ages to decide what to wear, nothing seems to...Read More
Some days ago Ioanna and Besi convinced me to have a break from the study. We had a great night. First of all Besi brought us to this amazing bar downtown: Brown sugar lounge Second, good company is always good company. For the last pic: can you see a similarity? Alcuni giorni fa Ioanna e Besi mi hanno convinta a fare una pausa...Read More
Hi guys, this time I mixed a casual style with a pensil skirt. I used to hate skirts when I was younger... I am kinda rediscovering them. Ciao ragazzi, questa volta ho mixato uno stile casual con una gonna stretta. Quando ero più giovane odiavo le gonne... credo di essere in un periodo di riscoperta. Denim jacket: Wit Boy Sweater: Baby Angels T-shirt:...Read More
Tip: while studying use some incense, it might help your concentration. In the newspaper-glass you can see some handmade flowers, it's Besi that is getting better and better with origami...and my house is getting more and more decorated. Consiglio: mentre studiate usate dell'incenso, potrebbe aiutare la concentrazione. Nel bicchiere-giornale vedete dei fiori fatti a mano, è Besi che sta diventando sempre più bravo...Read More
Mmmm, today I was complaining cause I couldn't shoot this morning, but I have to admit that maybe I like these night-pics even more...What do you say? Mmmm, oggi mi stavo lamentando perchè non ero riuscita a scattare nessuna foto durante la mattinata, ma forse queste fotografie notturne mi aggradano ancora di più...Voi che dite? Coat: Dani Hat: Vintage Sweater: Baby angels Skirt:...Read More
Uh, I have to admit that my friend Besi forces me to go out for coffes while studying, at least I can breath fresh air...and do some shooting!!! Don't you think that I am like a conductor here...I have just noticed it. Uh, beh, devo ammettere che il mio amico Besi mi costringe a uscire per pausa caffè mentre studiamo, almeno posso respirare...Read More
I am totally in love with my look today, sorry guys, maybe I am not objective...ahahahah. really there is something with this cozy style that I love, and this scarf is so long and soft!!! Amo tantissimo il mio look di oggi, scusate ragazzi, forse sono un pò poco obiettiva...ahahahahah. Scherzi a parte...veramente, c'è qualcosa che mi attira in questo stile "comodo",...Read More
Ahahahah, these pics are so funny...I told you I am studying... Thank you Besi for your help!!! Ahahahah, queste foto my fanno morire... Vi avevo detto che stavo studiando... Grazie Besi per l'aiuto!!! ...Read More
When I've seen this shoe rack I fell in love with it!!! Appena ho visto questa scarpiera me ne sono innamorata!!! ...Read More
These pics were taken few days ago, cause now I am full time at home to study! It's an easy look, but there is something that I like in it! Queste foto sono state scattate qualche giorno fa, perchè ora sono a casa tutto il giorno causa studio! E' un look semplice, ma c'è qualcosa che mi piace molto! Jacket: Hand made by...Read More