Here we are, unfortunately some of the pics I took in this period got lost, or better burnt, but I will try not to be sad about it. This is how I spent the day after Christmas: an amazing sunset from the top of the mountain surrounded by the wind turbines. It was a little bit cold and...windy, but it worth it. Eccoci,...Read More
I find the sea really charming during the Autumn-Winter. In the summer you must wait for a storm to find such waves, here the weather was sunny but the sea really “spicy”. The location is the Venetian fortress of Heraklion. The light was simply perfect and the floating dress...suggestive. Another experience in this city: I ate the biggest pita in the world in the...Read More
Finally I finished working for this season, and finally I had time to go to the beach...maybe too late...or maybe not! It wasn't time to swim, but the desert places have always a special energy. Walking around I found a cute church almost in the sea, one old wooden path where to admire the waves and mountains of sand. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finalmente ho finito...Read More
This is the reportage of another "into the wild" in Crete. This pics were taken in Ierapetra, Vai and in the monastery of Tomplou; maybe they will be the last in this wonderful Island, but sooner or later I would like to visit also the occidental part for another reportage. It has been a great experience, I've been to the beach of Vai...Read More
These pics are from a couple of weeks ago, now the weather is not so friendly anymore, shorts are allowed just during the day. Slowly slowly Autumn is reaching us too. Lately I really like vests, but I have only three, I think I will take more. This is a vintage one, a see-through, I love it combined with shirts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Queste...Read More
I have to wear uniform at work, that's why I don't have many chances to wear my own clothes...sigh! Most of them are untouched since the season started. This is one of the rare moments that I was wearing something more I share :-P -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A lavoro ho sempre l'uniforme, quindi non ho mai occasione di mettere i miei poveri vestiti...sigh! La...Read More
Hello beauties! This is the reportage of one night out in Heraklion, the capital of Crete. Unfortunately the light wasn't so much, so the pics are not technically perfect as they should be, but I like the energy of these photos, so I share them. That night I felt a little bit eccentric, and this is the result of my outfit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ciao...Read More
Opaaaa! Last week I attended my first Greek wedding, that was an experience! I have to say that the funniest part was the dances: only typical and folkloristic Greek music. And when we speak about dancing I never say no (you can check my instagram 7sevendaysara). At first I didn't know what to wear, in the end I've chosen a short black dress...Read More
Hello, let's say that this day has been really strange. I wanted to reach one place called Lasithi Plateau, but I never accomplished the mission, on the other hand though, on my way there was this strange village in the middle of nowhere called Homo Sapiens. I think it was one of the most kitsch things I have ever seen. It was the...Read More
Another colorful post from my beloved Greece. I really love Italy, but here the sea is magic. It was a super hot day, so I was simply wearing this super comfy dress from tezenis and a pair of sandals. The dress is so cozy that you can style it as you wish: canonic sleeves or one down, with or without belt . I...Read More
And here the first pics of my only day off of the season...I think I will remember it for the next months...ahahah. But I have to say that I had a great sense of freedom and I enjoyed it a lot. The place with this spectacular colour of the sea is "golfo mirabello" in Crete near Elounda. Finally I could wear one of...Read More
And here are the pictures of the trip in the little Island of Spinalonga, that first was a Venetian fort, and then became a place where they exiled people affected by leper. This is surely one of the most magical things that I have seen in Crete. The landscape is awesome, and the island is really kept in well conditions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ed ora...Read More
Believe it or not I was driving a boat!!!! Everything thank to my crazy sister that wanted to take a pic to the Capitan's cabin! When she asked him if she could do it, he replied that we could drive the entire boat by ourselves. It was really an experience! Unfortunately I had only few hours to do this trip, cause I had...Read More
Everybody knows the excitment for wearing a new in...well today everything is a new I was like one child with lollipops. First I bought these shoes that remind me the Greek god Hermes...just the wings are missing; and than I received this super comfy dress as a present...the detail of the leaves is cute isn't it?! Anyway, the location for the photoshooting...Read More
Last week my sister came to visit me. The first stop was of course Knossos. I have to say that I appreciated it even more the second time!!! Then, not on porpous my sister and I had the same colours of clothes, so I like this shooting even more. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La scorsa settimana è venuta a trovarmi mia sorella. La prima tappa è...Read More
Ehi ehi, living in an island we couldn't avoid to speak about fishes... I have been to the Crete-aquarium, a place populated by fishes from Mediterraneum sea. My favourite places here are surely the rooms with sofas directed to the aquarium, I could stay there for hours relaxing. Actually I was fully prepared with one of my favourite summer dresses that is black,...Read More
I would like to say yummy...but not! Maybe it's because I am italian and with the "gelato" I am a little bit picky. In any case I had a great time, it's not so easy to find one hour to go out, so I enjoyed the sun. I hope I can show you this jump-suit a little bit better...It's one of my creations,...Read More
Guys I don't wanna say it loud... From 6.30 am till now I tried to break into some wifi. I don't know how...I did it!!!! It was awful to live without internet, without the daily routine of the "reading-blog-with-the-coffee", without speaking to you. Today I great you with the first summer pics. I spent one hour in a swimming pool next to my...Read More
I give up...I think that this summer will be very difficult to keep alive this blog. I promise to do my best, but really, the work is hard and the internet connection is weaker day by day. These are some pics shot in the garden of the house that I rented. I wanted to have a really "cretan style" dynamic trousers, white shirt...Read More
Here we are again. Unfortunately the time-table I have now is so hard that is really difficult to keep in touch with you frequently. Anyway here are some other pics taken from the port of Hersonissos. In this period the sea side, that is completely empty, has a special energy. Not speaking about the colours… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eccoci di nuovo. Sfortunatamente gli orari che...Read More
The town where I live now is called Hersonissos. I have to say that is not the kind of town I prefer: very touristic shops and hotels, it is really difficult to breathe a healty Greek atmosphere. Anyway I found two gorgeous villages in the hills of Hersonissos, they are called Koutouloufari and Piskopianò. When I need to escape from the massive tourism...Read More
Another romantic and poetic moment of my life in Crete. Isn’t this pics absolutely stunning?! I was few meters far away from them and I couldn’t resist. I know that this Orthodox girl is more likely from the East Europe instead of Greece, but the atmosphere was magic. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Un altro momento romantico e poetico della mia vita a Creta. Questa foto non...Read More
Cause Sara and internet problems are not over yet... I just tell you that it is night, I am in the middle of a field, writing this post on my knees...and I have just eaten a mosquito...bleah. This is cause now I leave near...probably not so near... a big hotel, and they were so kind to give me the internet password...but it is...Read More
An explosion of colours! I have to say that my dress matches a lot with this palette. The frame of this ancient beauty is really special. Even if they are still debating if Evans did the right thing rebuilding fragments of Knossos palace (as an architect I say no!), I admit that it is impressive to see this place, and the restoration helps...Read More
Another Greek characteristic??? Of course: Cats. But these are special, these are my babes; I say sorry to my beloved Nala, my only real love! But these two help me not to feel nostalgic. It was breakfast time, they were so funny with the milk splashed everywhere, that I had to shoot. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Un'altra caratteristica greca??? Naturalmente: i Gatti. Ma questi sono speciali,...Read More
Every time I passed by this lovely field I had the desire to dive into it. So one day I stopped, unfortunately the ground was full of mud and in the end my shoes changed colour...but I had soooooooo much fun, no regrets. I like also how my outfit matches with nature. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ogni volta che passavo davanti a questo magnifico campo avevo...Read More
The tour goes on, and continues with the main characteristic of Greece: the Sea. I don't have a full post yet, but it's already a month that every time that I wake up I see it, it will be my landscape from now on. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Il tour prosegue, e continua con la più grande caratteristica della Grecia: il Mare. Non ho ancora un...Read More
Kalimera! The first stop of the hellenic tour is Olympia. I really hope that one day I will visit all the most important cities of Greece. For now here we go with a touch of ancient sports. Here is where the Olympics games were born. I really suggest you to visit it in this period that is not so hot, and the ruins...Read More
This is the look I wore for the Orthodox Easter...I have to underline my time I'll post it for Christmas, eheh. When I say Easter I mean the Sunday-meal; of course it is a little bit too much to enter the church...Anyway I am so much in love with this shirt that, now that the weather is getting better, I started to...Read More
Oh guys, this is heaven...after centuries finally I could find the right amount of hours to read a book with satisfaction. I am that kind of person that if likes one book can't even go to the toilette. And I have to say that during this Orthodox Easter holidays I could do it in the best way: from sofa to bed dressed with...Read More
Maybe all of Orthodox people now will be not impressed at all,but it was my first time at holy-Friday-procession and I was astonished in front of the decorations with flowers; when they said that they would have played with flowers I surely wasn't expecting something like this. Isn't it something magic?! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forse tutti gli Ortodossi ora non saranno per nulla sorpresi, ma...Read More
I'll give you more details about my final destination...we have still to celebrate Easter! Actually it's kind of weird that all my friends had already celebrated it. Last Sunday they where sending me Happy Easter-wishes, and I was simply doing nothing. Anyway, this Monday the holy week has started and I wanted to share with you some moments. The bisquits that you see...Read More
And again I have disappeared...and again it's so hard to find an internet connection...I am starting to believe that the hole world is living in 2015 and I am living in the Middle time I'll post you via Pigeon ;-) Ok, changes in my life are not over yet. In the next posts you will see a different landscape. For now I...Read More
I have already spoken to you about Max...I think he is really one of the greatest artists I've ever met. Checking my archive I found these pictures he took me...I think they are full of energy. I had this great pleasure to meet him during a course in Polimoda in Firenze and I was part of his final video. I'll leave you the...Read More
I don't know what will you think about this post...I simply LOVE IT. Maybe it is cause I am at my grandparents home. There is something special in the energy of their house. I've always been in love with their dining room. My sister and I have the pleasure to sleep here when we visit grandparents, so actually I am showing you MY...Read More
Let's dive into the past. Vest, palazzo trousers and striped shirt. I felt inspired by hippy communities. Next time you'll see me naked, peace and love...joking! Anyway I know that it is a strange look, somebody loved it, somebody hated it. U judge! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuffiamoci nel passato. Gilet, pantaloni a zampa di elefante e camicia striata. Mi sentivo di ispirata da comunità hippy....Read More
Geometric! :-( I bought these leggings in size L, but it turned to be too big, cause now that I am using them the fabric changed shape. For this reason I decided to wear them with a long sweater in order to cover the "no-more-tight" fit. I had to admid that it ended in a really simple but smart look. These oxfords help...Read More
Well, it is a really easy outfit, but lately I am in love with easy looks twisted by one item. Today this item is represented by these eye catching oxfords (Louis XIV style). I didn't have the chance to show them earlier. Unfortunately it was night when I took the pictures, so I'll manage to create a daylight post too to show better...Read More
Hi everybody, Saint Valentine gave me inspiration for red, so when i saw this oversized sweater by H&M I thought: MINE. Thank to the coral tone I combined it with my stripped jeans that have warm colours. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ciao a tutti, san Valentino mi ha dato l'ispirazione per il rosso, quindi quando ho visto questa maglia oversize da H&M ho pensato: MIA. Grazie...Read More
All of these pics are taken by my sis. Even if it seems Berlin this is Trento. The dark side of Trento, eheh. I fell in love with the first one, it's like a laser coming out of my eyes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tutte queste foto sono state scattate da mia sorella. Anche se sembra Berlino, si tratta di Trento. La parte oscura di Trento,...Read More
Cheetah!!! Agrrrr. Don't they climb trees?! Elegant but cozy style. I wore a big sweater that was a little bit too short for my I used a Tezenis petticoat to make it a little bit longer. Sporty touch?! Vest and animalier slipons. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ghepardo!!!! Agrrrr. Non si arrampicano sugli alberi?! Elegante ma comodo. Ho messo un grande maglione che però era un...Read More
Ehehe, long time no see ya. The biiiiig problem is that I have so much material for the blog...but I was hopefully waiting for internet connection in these days...Yesterday they said I have to wait 25 days more. KILL ME NOW. Anyway, here you are a quick post about my combo-shirts of last night. I am obsessed about the reuse. I love to...Read More
Usually I like to share only my inedited pics here in the blog...for inspirations I use my FB page. But I owed a post to this great muse. Just one name: Julia Andrews. I think she is the most classy woman in the world. Usually we hear about Marilyn or Audrey, but I think she has something special, something incredibly attractive in her...Read More
Lost and found! Actually I found out that I am not that comfortable with height. I was so excited to do this shot, then when I was there I decided that it had to be the first and last one. Anyway, impressive isn't it?!
Please say yes :-P
Scatto ritrovato! A dir la verità ho scoperto che non sono proprio a mio agio con l'altezza. Ero così esaltata di scattare questa foto, poi quando ero lì ho deciso che sarebbe stato meglio che fosse la prima ed ultima. Ad ogni modo, impressionante vero?!
Vi prego dite di sì :-P
When I style my hair like this I always think about an Iguana. Personally I really like this hairdo; but sometimes it can take time to do it...not cause it's difficult, but cause my hair sometimes is a lot disheveled. Due to the braid I was inspired toward something military. Let me know what you think about it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quando mi acconcio i...Read More