
Brownies mood

October 17, 2013

And my spirit of saving summer dresses is going on. Ladies and gentlemen, here we have another splendid-super-summer dress, combined with tights and long sleeves...to be precised it became a skirt :-)
Besides I added a hat to the look...I am telling you...I am really hat-addicted during the winter. It is really a must during cold weather, don't you think?!


E la mia missione di salvare vestiti estivi sta procedendo. Signore e signori qui troviamo un altro splendido esemplare di vestito estivo abbinato a calze e magliette...beh per essere precisi è diventato una gonna :-)
Inoltre ho abbinato un cappello al look...vi dico...io sono drogata di cappelli in inverno. E' proprio un must col freddo, non siete d'accordo?!

Hat: From an Athenian market
Mustard long sleeve: Zara
Grey long sleeve: H&M
Dress: Vintage
Booties: Makgio

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