Hi everybody! I had forgotten the pleasure of a walk in the countryside. Total relax and total sporty style. Can you remember these adidas sneakers?! I was attending the high school when I bought them, I found them in the cellar. The same for this Wit boy jeans. This wonderful owl-clock is a Christmas present from Mister, I know him since I was...Read More
I hope that my computer and my new battery for my camera will be ready for tomorrow. Technology is fighting against me, if I use my camera with flash it takes two photos, nothing more...I am sorry for the quality of the photos but I hope it will get better soon! Today I was making Christmas presents for my best friends here in...Read More
Merry Christmas from 7-sevendays!!! I hope you will enjoy this video having fun together. Have a wondeful day! Buon Natale da 7-sevendays!!! Spero possiate apprezzare il video divertendoci assieme. Vi auguro una magnifica giornata! ...Read More
Ok, I don't have my computer, but never mind!!! Today I was so upset, I was sick and my computer was...dead. But I decided to make a change for my awful day, so I went to a Christmas party with my friends of rythmic gymnastic (yes, I was an athlete), I hope I will receive some photos soon...also my camera was low battery...no...Read More
Mmm, I am very upset... I am sick, so I am sorry but this is a post from Florence again. Somebody can tell me why when you are on holidays you have to be sick? This is a very comfortable outfit, and what do you think about this hood-scarf? I find it adorable. Ok, and now my laptop got a virus, so for...Read More
Christmas holidays!!!! I couldn't stand the university anymore!!! Now I am in Feltre at my parents house, and this is the last Florentine outfit for a while. I took these photos before leaving. Look of the day: total black except for the fluorescent Benetton sweater. I didn't want to use total black accessories it would have been too much, so I've chosen this...Read More
Hi everybody! This is my outfit for my b-day, confortable but studied. I've chosen a very girlish style: a flared skirt combined with high decorated socks and short sweaters in order to create a sort of uniform style. I bought a little seedling for my house, it's the only type of plant that can live with me taking care of it... Finally you...Read More
Finally we got a new post. I am sorry, but I was very busy these days. Yesterday I sang Christmas Carrols in this wonderful manor Villa Montalto in Fiesole. I had fun! It was fantastic, Christmas decorations everywhere. Then we had gifts at the end of the night like the Panettone (typical sweet product for Italy) that you can see in the first...Read More
Today I was out of town for a graduation, coming back home I was literally staring at the shop-windows with christmas decorations; so besides my outfit I wanna show you also the atmosphere of Florence. My favourite decorations are in via dei Calzaiuoli and the building of Rinascente, maybe for someone of you is too much, but I really like it!!! The look...Read More
Mmm, today I personally like this outfit very much. Everything is in the socks!!! The rest is a very easy outfit, but the combination between the scarlet of the scarf and the beret with the socks it's very nice. Don't you think so?! The bon ton style is completed by these low heels with the bow. Colours for today? Scarlet and brown. p.s....Read More
Wow, now I can feel the Christmas time!!! I LOVE CHRISTMAS! Today I want you to feel this wonderful atmosphere with me. First of all I decided to decorate my nails in a proper way. Wow, finalmente sento proprio l'atmosfera natalizia!!! IO ADORO IL NATALE! Oggi voglio farvi vivere questa magica atmosfera insieme a me. Prima di tutto ho deciso di colorare le...Read More
Green redingote...mmm I ADORE this coat. It's the second coat made by Liliana, the mum of my mother's friend Gabriella (can you remember the other ) It's an old coat, but always chic. The colour is so vivid and the style is fantastic! I'm so proud to be able to wear it. I wanted to focus on it, so my clothes today have...Read More
OMG, today it was a very hard day. I came back from my town in the north of Italy, I woke up at 6.30am and ... directly to the University at 12.00am. I took some photos near my house in Florence coming back from the University...today no bag, just the laptop :-( White coat, boots and scarf with fur and sweater with lace...Read More
The hero of the day is this funny hat. I have it since I was thirteen, one day I decided I wanted a hat with rabbit ears, so I asked my granny to sew it...and here we go. I completed the look with boots with faux fur, leggings and an oversize-sweater taken in a vintage market. Guest star: Ioanna, my best friend. We...Read More
Guys, for these holidays I came back to my town with a friend of mine for few days, so the posts won't be so regular. I promise that from monday everything will be the same. This is a very very sporty outfit: sneakers, leggings and hoody. I love this hoody, it's full of decorations, I just added a burgundy brooch-flower to combine it...Read More
Two days ago I was having a coffee with one of my best friend (Silvia) in the city centre, and I entered Zara cause I wanted a pair of black shoes...when you wanna get total black and comfortable shoes, you're gonna get beige wingtip shoes...Ok, but I wanna say in defense of me that I wear a 41 (11 american) very hard to...Read More
The look for today is very formal, that's the reason why I used bright colours for the accessories to get the contrast: light-blue, yellow, green for the scarf, the earrings and the bracelet. This dress is very old, it's part of one of the oldest Benetton's collection. I like it cause it's made of ribbed woll that follows gently the shape of your...Read More
Today the post is a little bit different. I took these photos when I was in my home-town in the north of Italy. I was waiting for the right moment to publish them, and I think that this is the right one. It's December, it's almost Christmas, so it's the last time to see such an autumnal post. I was wearing a thick...Read More
It's raining... Here in Florence we were very lucky cause till now the weather was amazing, but, you know, some rain is good for everybody. When it's rainy I love going out and hanging out a little bit, bacause when you come back home it's fantastic to feel it like a shelter, to have a hot tea and to watch the rain from...Read More
WOW, today it was really exciting!!! For the first time the shooting wasn't taken by me, but by a friend of mine: Babak, he wanted to practise, so I took this opportunity. I wanna thank him a lot. It was a wonderful experience. We were wandering in the streets and we took photos almost everywhere, but above all with amazing architectures or wonderful...Read More
Ok, I agree with you, if you see everything I wore one by one, it's a TOTAL MESS, but I think that the result is interesting, what do you think about it? Don't ask me how I thought of this outfit, but as I already said, sometimes the craziness pervades me. Today it wasn't cold so I went out without the coat (It...Read More
This time I wanted to show you an evening-look. This Zara Shirt is part of my shopping of the other day. I find it very chic, the shape is very preppy, but the material makes it perfect for the evening. And than I chose this particular clutch by Coin that has the same decoration of my earrings...incredible cause I haven't bought them together,...Read More
I wanna just say that it's very late, so I'll probably do mistakes, sorry! The place of the shooting is a closed restaurant, yes, cause I don't want to decide where I'll do my shooting, usually I go out and then I start to walk, sometimes the places say:" I'm the one!" like today. My outfit is inspired by male fashion: boots, shirt,...Read More