

January 30, 2013
Yesterday I bought these denim sneakers with the stars by Colours of California, they are totally not my style, but they are super comfy, super warm (with the fur inside) and they are cute wearing them. So I decided to wear an almost total look denim, except the knitted vest and the fur. Ieri ho comprato queste scarpe da ginnastica in denim di Colours...Read More

sTReEt-pHoToGrapHY BiTch

January 30, 2013
Thank you Bob (last pic). This is all I have to say. My friend Bob taught me how to use my camera properly. P.s. Do you remember the pics he took me two years ago Grazie Bob (ultima foto). Questo è tutto ciò che ho da dire. Il mio amico Bob mi ha insegnato ad usare la mia macchina in una maniera decisamente più...Read More

wHO sAId tHaT'S nOT THE riGHt seAson?!

January 29, 2013
Ok now you've got evidences...I LOVE ICE-CREAMS. As you have seen from facebook, I can eat an ice-cream in the middle of the winter too... Ok, e ora avete le prove...ADORO I GELATI. Come avete già visto da facebook, posso mangiare un gelato anche in pieno inverno... ...Read More

And THe SeconD OnE

January 27, 2013
And here you are the second beanie!!!! It is the hero of the outfit today, except the hearts in the vest it is the only coloured item, everything else camel colour. P.s. The trousers are a new in from Goldenpoint-Hue. Ed eccovi anche il secondo berrettino!!!! L'ho utilizzato come il protagonista dell'outfit, fatta eccezione per i cuori del gilet è l'unica cosa colorata,...Read More

Turtleneck tutorial

January 26, 2013
I wanna start doing tutorials of DIY...everything. Sunday is a great day to start. I adore them, hope u can appreciate some tips. Today I reproduced the idea of Ivana Carpio, I am in love with her: Here is the link Voglio cominciare a fare un pò di tutorials per DIY (Fai da te)di...tutto. Domenica è un ottimo giorno per cominciare. Io li adoro,...Read More

DinGDinG RidinG

January 25, 2013
Dingding, riding, riding. I know that it's better biking in the summer, but I really like feeling the chilly in the face in the winter. Have you noticed that I wore the socks I've bought two days ago?! I really like them. The headband it's a present bought for me during the elementary school, I am still wearing it... Dingding, pedalare, pedalare. So...Read More

nEw BeaNIeS!!!!

January 25, 2013
Yesterday I found 2 beanies (I am wearing one of them), they were my mum's skying hats and I haven't left them for a single sec, not even to eat...I am so excited: when I was a kid I used to HATE beanies, cause when you are a child they make u even more kiddish...so I hadn't got a single beanie in my...Read More


January 24, 2013
Soon I'll tell u what I am working on...for now I can tell u that I am sewing a lot...the passion of my life :-)))) Stay Tuned. Presto vi farò sapere su cosa sto lavorando...per ora vi basti sapere che sto cucendo molto...la passione della mia vita :-))) Rimanete aggiornati, mi raccomando. ...Read More


January 23, 2013
Hi guys, today I was in Pordenone (north east of Italy) cause I had a little interview. Thank god my sis came with me, cause it was raining almost all the day, so at least we had fun together. We eat in a bakery where...we had the dessert too...ahahaha. The main street of Pordenone is so cute, don't you think so?! P.s. I...Read More

gOD sAVe tHE QueEN

January 21, 2013
Today I feel like if I were a Scottish guard... In the today-outfit I love the scarf that is extremly warm cause it has 2 layers, and the blue cardigan. Tip of the day: you can reinvent a pair of boots with a layer of tights on them. Oggi mi sento come se fossi una guardia scozzese... Dell'outfit di oggi adoro la sciarpa...Read More

GreEn DeTAil

January 21, 2013
Today I got my inspiration from This talented girl. I knew I had this green scarf...so why not create an outfit from this green as the base?! What do you say? Oggi mi sono ispirata a Questa geniale ragazza. Sapevo di avere questa sciarpa verde...quindi perchè non realizzare un outifit partendo da questo verde come base?! Che ne pensate? Coat: Max &Co Dress: Handmade by my mum...Read More

HOmE SwEEt hOMe, jUST rELax

January 20, 2013
Since I've been at home I had taken it very easy, also cause I am a little bit sick...the headache can't leave me. So I have spent my time sewing and knitting and relaxing... P.s. Aren't my mum and sis super cute?! Da quando sono a casa me la sono presa proprio comoda, anche perchè sono un pò malata...il mal di testa non...Read More

ThE ColD STory

January 18, 2013

sTRipES on STripES

January 17, 2013
Hi, oh I am so happy!!!! Two days of snow. I am like a little kid when it snows! I used my mum's skirt in another version, a little bit more sporty. Ciaooooo, oh sono troppo contenta!!!! Due giorni di neve. Torno davvero bambina quando nevica! Ho usato la gonna di mia mamma in un'altra versione, un pò più sportiva. Coat: Vintage Sweater:...Read More

sPIn With THe sKIrT

January 17, 2013
Fruuuuu. Ahahahahah, I am so excited with this skirt!!! it's so funny spinning around my self... I definitely wanna use this outfit for a special ceremony! Unfortunately I could wander like this just during the midday. In the afternoon I went to the city center for a hot chocolate and I had my trench with me. Fruuuuu. Ahahahahahah, sono troppo esaltata da questa gonna!!! E'...Read More

tArtAn in The SnoW

January 16, 2013
The first outfit created by my new entries... My dad's sweater and my mum's skirt, my personal touch is the hat ;-) What do you think about it? Il primo outifit creato con i miei nuovi capi...Maglione di mio papà, gonna di mia mamma, e il mio tocco personale è stato il cappello ;-) Che ne pensate? ...Read More

mY wARdrOBE iS haPPY

January 15, 2013
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeea, today was a great day for my wardrobe: I had a look at my parents' old closet, and I found a lot of amazing stuff. Can't wait to show you some outfits... Yeeeeeeeeeeeeea, oggi è stata una giornata più che propizia per il mio armadio: ho dato un'occhiata alla vecchia roba dei miei in cantina ed ho trovato un sacco di roba...Read More

A trIP tO The CLosESt uNIveRSe

January 14, 2013
With the Release Party of the Bleeding Eyes band (A trip to the closest Universe) 26th December I had my own first experience with my new camera... I was a little bit puzzled, make a post or not? Cause their sound maybe it's a little bit too much for many of you. But then who cares?! let's give a try. P.s. When the...Read More

reDheAD And dIY jEanS

January 13, 2013
Welcome redhead, this is the first outfit-post with my new hair...I have to say that I am very satisfied day after day.  For my first post I've chosen my DIY Jeans, my granny almost died seeing them, hope u can appreciate them a little bit more...ahahahah P.s. I found this adorable mum's foulard and I used it as a headband ;-) Benvenuta alla...Read More


January 13, 2013
Just a greeting from me and Nala. Solamente un saluto da me e Nala. ...Read More

hAir iS ChanGINg

January 12, 2013
This is how my hair changed in the years...more or less. Questi sono i miei cambiamenti di "chioma" negli anni...più o meno. ...Read More


January 11, 2013
Oh, yesterday I decided: Yes, I am quite redhead now!!! I am very satified of the result. After the graduation I wanted something changed in my own style... Oh, ieri ho preso la decisione: Sì, sono abbastanza "testa-rossa"ora!!! Sono molto soddisfatta del risultato. Dopo la laurea volevo cambiare qualcosa nel mio stile... ...Read More

It's A DalMAtian PARty thEN...

January 10, 2013
You know what?! I don't even know what to write today...I am in love with this outfit, that's it... Sapete che c'è?! Non so nemmeno cosa scrivere oggi...Mi piace un sacco quest'outfit, questo è quanto... Hat: Vintage Jacket: Vintage Jeans: Oviesse Heels: Twin-set Don't forget to follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin Non dimenticate di seguirmi anche su Facebook e Bloglovin ...Read More


January 09, 2013
Ahahahah, when I see me with this hat it makes me laugh a lot cause my friends HATE this hat. I dedicate this post to Mister and Gigia. And u? What do you think about it? I wore it also in another version, u'll see it tomorrow. Ahahahaha, quando mi vedo con questo cappello mi faccio un sacco ridere, perchè i miei amici...Read More

dOLl- eXhibiTION

January 08, 2013
German dolls Bambole tedesche Hi guys, I am so proud of the today post!!!! 6th January I went with my mum to a doll-exhibition. Everything was so well explained. To give u a little summary: The first dolls were French and so luxury that not everybody could afford them. So the Germans used the French models of the dolls saving on clothes and...Read More


January 06, 2013
When I am here in my very own town I want to wear different things, for example this amazing bunny hat. I had commissioned it to my granny and I immediately fell in love with it. Do you remember it here? Quando sono qui nella mia città natale, mi viene voglia di indossare cose diverse, per esempio questo fantastico cappello da coniglio. L'avevo commissionato...Read More

tHANk my ParENTs

January 05, 2013
Uff I was so happy about these pics yesterday, than I found out that they are overexposed :-( Never mind, I'll learn how to use my new camera. I wore my dad's shirt and my mum's jacket, so I am very proud of my outfit today!!!!! Uff, ieri ero così contenta delle mie foto, poi ho scoperto che erano piuttosto sovraesposte :-( Va...Read More

...a COLd BRunCH...

January 04, 2013
Ahahaha I had so much fun watching this hokey match! It was quite cold but thank God I was well dressed. We had a brunch during the match, and we shouted a lot. I shot my mise only late in the evening, so it was quite dark, but you can get the idea of the outfit... P.s. The poster says: "That Way". Ahahahah,...Read More

WelCOMe 2013

January 02, 2013
Hey, I wanted to share with you some snapshots of the New Year's Eve 2013.  Everything was organized by my sis, she has been great. I spent almost all the night with her and her friends. Every guest had to cook something and bring something to drink. It has been awesome. What have u done for the New Year's Eve? Hey, volevo condividere...Read More

New yEAr's Eve miSe

January 01, 2013
How have you spent this New Year's Eve? I didn't know where to go, cause I don't like this celebrity very much, but I knew what to wear! I made this photoshooting in my parent's room, I find it so romantic... This year I avoided sequin dresses, but the papillon was my New Year's Eve detail. Come avete passato questa vigilia di Capodanno?...Read More
