
OutDOor LessON

February 29, 2012
Full time at University, I just came back home. But everything it's easier when you do it with your friends. Today me Paola and Ioanna had an outdoor lesson, so we had fun taking some photos in the breaks. Paola's outfit today was perfect isn't it?! I adore this coat with the bow at the back. Tutta la giornata all'università, sono appena tornata...Read More

yES alSO The GREen oNES

February 28, 2012
And this is the last pair of tights from my cousin's box... :-( I am so sad, I've already tried everyone. I wanted to wear a blue cardigan with this outfit, but because of the University I thought it would have been too much. The top is very smart with a lace sweater, a shirt, the scarf and the skirt; while the tights,...Read More

me And My mOuN...taINs

February 28, 2012
First day of University, I wasn't exactly in seventh heaven... so I thought about home...my mountains. Aren't they gorgeous? Sometimes it's like living in a movie. Primo giorno di Università, non ero proprio al settimo cielo...quindi stavo pensando a casa...le mie montagne. Non sono meravigliose? A volte sembra di vivere in una scena di un film ...Read More

tHe alPINe hAT

February 27, 2012
 Hi everybody, or should I say good night??? As you can see my University will start tomorrow and I am a night-animal again... Here you can see my outfit of the day: leggings, shirt and brown details. Everybody thought this was an Alpine hat...so let's use it as the title of today. Night guys. Ciao a tutti, o forse dovrei dire buonanotte??? Come...Read More

rOom 205

February 25, 2012
As I already mentioned yesterday, I just came back from a break in paradise... Here is the summary of our two-days experience. Fabulous!!! Me and Ioanna stayed in a wonderful resort in the countryside of Tuscany. The hotel was perfect and the atmosphere great! Come gia` anticipato ieri, sono appena tornata da un angolo di paradiso... Ecco a voi il reportage delle nostre...Read More

tOTal kNITted

February 24, 2012
Here I am!!!! Spending two days of relax with your best friend after the session of exams is what everyone needs! In the meanwhile I'll post some photos of my last day in Feltre. Have you seen the waistcoat combined with my shorts??? Thank you mum!!!! I hope one day I'll be skilled as she is!  Right now I am trying to finish...Read More

It'S CarNIVal TimE

February 21, 2012
I'm sorry cause it's very late to post something for carnival, but today I was travelling back to Florence. So  this year I didn't celebrate the Carnival, but I wanna sponsor a Greek Carnival, the Patra Carnival. I went there in 2009 with my best friend Ioanna. So much fun, I guess u can see it. We were there for ten days and...Read More


February 21, 2012
  Suspenders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday at my grandma's house I found some suspenders. From now on I wanna start to use them. And maybe I have to steal one of my dad's shirt, I really love oversized shirts. Bretelle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ieri a casa di mia nonna ho trovato alcune bretelle. Da ora in poi voglio iniziare ad utilizzarle. E forse devo anche rubare una camicia di...Read More

PrEPpy AT HomE

February 19, 2012
Today I went to my grandma's house, so the photo shooting with the daylight is missing. I've choosen the stove as a scenary. Me and my sis use to hug it in the cold days. Sometimes when I am in Florence I miss it. A very preppy look: shirt, cardigan, wingtip shoes and lace-tights (I was wearing two pair of tights in order...Read More

HitcH HicKIng

February 18, 2012
Bon Voyage everyone! Today there is an object for the shooting, the Hitch-hiking! Thank my sister who took these pic! Very very sporty this time. I LOVE this bag. It's from La maison du monde, unfortunatelly it's my mum's and we use it for the mail. I find it perfect also as a bag. Bon Voyage a tutti! Oggi shooting a tema, l'autostop!...Read More


February 17, 2012
Today I mixed everything. I took one of my father's shirt, I found my hiking boots, I used coloured tights and two of my creations: the shorts and the scarf. Pretty strange, but I like this outfit. Oggi ho mixato di tutto: ho preso una delle camicie di mio papà, ho ritrovato i miei scarponi da montagna, ho utilizzato calze colorate e due...Read More

iNDian sAra

February 15, 2012
Freeeeeeeedoooooom. And also the second exam is gone! Finally I had enough time for a proper post. Yesterday I was thinking of these headbands with braids, and then I thought about my own hair... I am so happy to wear my trousers! So much work, but it was worth it. Libertààààààààààààààààààà. E anche il secondo esame è andato! Finalemente un pò di tempo...Read More

HappY ValenTiNE'S DaY

February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's day everybody!!!! I have chosen some romantic icons to celebrate this event. In the first one there are my mum and dad, aren't they sweet???? LOVE IT. Buon San Valentino a tutti!!!! Ho scelto alcune immagini romantiche per festeggiare questa festa Nella prima ci sono mia mamma e mio papà, non è una foto dolcissima???? LA ADORO. ...Read More


February 13, 2012
A super flash post. I couldn't stand anymore, I wanted to try the new shorts. In few days I will be more free to post more photos. Goodnight! Un post super flash. Non potevo aspettare di più, volevo provare i nuovi shorts. Tra qualche giorno sarò più libera e potrò postare più foto. Notte! ...Read More


February 11, 2012
Hi everybody! I wanted to show u some new stuff I got. Two pairs of shorts; the first one is made by wool and it's one of my creations :-) I spent all the christmas holidays being sick, so I knitted this pair of shorts. The second one is the b-day present from my sister (finally I got it, yuhu!). Then a total...Read More

aNd fiNALLy sNOw

February 09, 2012
Home sweet home...And finally I found the snow, not that much but...I celebrated it with my faux fur clothes. Have a nice day guys! Casa dolce casa...E finalmente vedo anch'io la neve, non moltissima ma...Ho celebrato quest'evento con dei vestiti in finto pelo. Buona giornata a tutti ragazzi! ...Read More


February 08, 2012
Here there are some photos with the glasses. When I bought them, I immediately thought about this style from the forest. Have a nice day. xoxoxo Qui ci sono alcune foto con gli occhiali. Quando li ho comprati, ho subito pensato a questo stile che ricorda la foresta selvaggia. Buona giornata a tutti. xoxoxo ...Read More


February 07, 2012
Good morning guys! I slept at my friend Silvia's place. We studied a lot, I hope it will be enough for the next exam. Tomorrow I'll have the last meeting with my professor...fingers crossed. Today we have a random post. The first photo is the b-day card my cousin gave me, isn't it lovely? After it there is the cute box she gave me,...Read More

iF mY cAMera WouLD hAve WORkeD...

February 05, 2012
Today my camera couldn't work properly, I hardly took these photos, the others were all overexposed, and photo after photo, you know the battery of my camera... Maybe the cold bothers it...who knows... I hope you all had a good Sunday. Oggi la mia macchina fotografica non riusciva a funzionare decentemente. Queste sono le uniche foto che ho potuto salvare, tutte le altre...Read More

hOOD fOr evERYbodY

February 04, 2012
Here we are freezing everyday more and more, the problem is the wind...so what's better than a hood to protect you?! ...Look at Diddl, he knows it...ahahahah. I found in one of my drawers these coloured sleeves, I don't even remember from where they come from, but they have nice colours, right? Qui ci stiamo congelando ogni giorno di più, il problema è...Read More

neW gLasseS

February 04, 2012
Oh my God guys, today I was literally flying off, nice choice the skirt uh?! It was so windy that I wanted to go to the supermarket, but I came back home halfway! Here I am, do you like my new glasses? I really love them, not easy to wear, but very stylish. I got them in a small camera's shop, they are...Read More


February 02, 2012
Here in Florence is snowing these days, I LOVE when it snows! Unfortunately it's not so strong to remain on the ground...and I don't feel like wearing clothes for the snow yet, so here I am, with heels and a skirt...ahahah! Qui a Firenze sta nevicando in questi giorni, io ADORO la neve! Sfortunatamente però non ne cade abbastanza per imbiancare le strade......Read More

...liKE A rainBOw

February 01, 2012
I really like the first photo, it's quite sad but there's a hope in it. Sorry but I am in a Romantic moment! Completely different the coloured outfit today. It's the first day off for one month, I deserved it. Hanging out with friends is the best medicine. Mi piace un sacco questa prima foto, un pò triste, ma si intravede la speranza....Read More

mASSimO MartINi

February 01, 2012
Hi everybody, today I wanna show u some photos I had from the first year here in Florence. I remember the day of the shooting, so funny. Here I have the possibility to thank Massimo Martini, the photographer who took them. I was so relaxed and I had a lot of fun By the way, this jacket has disappeared from my wardrobe. Does...Read More
