Under request I'll show u how to become members. Sotto richiesta fattami vi mostro come diventare membri ...Read More
Ok, I already know that it's a very unusual outfit and maybe somebody of you doesn't like it; but sometimes I'm crazy and I have strange ideas like today! When I saw my blanket on my bed, I decided that I wanted to use it for my outfit. I remembered a brooch with the shape of star, so combined with my already known...Read More
This is not a common post. First of all I WANNA THANK ALL OF YOU GUYS, today the number of visits grew up to 1000 since I opened the blog (23rd October). Thank u for supporting me. I am planning a surprise for u, so stay tuned!!! Here you can see part of the shopping I did yesterday, I bought this lovely Peruvian...Read More
Take it easy day... yes! I woke up and out of my window there were athletes running the florentine marathon. It was so excited, everybody was shouting to support...everyone!!!! cheerful atmosphere! Than I've been called by a friend of mine that I met in my erasmus in Greece, what a surprise! He was in Florence! Unfortunatelly he could spend just few minutes here,...Read More
I guess u can see I was feeling like burgundy today... I am just sorry cause in this first photo the dress and the coat have different colours, but I can assure u that they are exactly the same, so I thought, why not wearing everything together?! and my granny's clutch?? Perfect for the plan. The elements that break the monochrome are the...Read More
I was running all the morning. I had to take some photos to the S.Frediano's Church for my university and than get back to attend some lessons and in the meanwhile shooting, so I was litterally flying on the street. But when u need a help sometimes u can get it: twice I have been asked if I needed a help to take...Read More
Today I was feeling like skirt!!! And fortunatelly it wasn't cold, so I wore this lovely Siste's sweater and ironically it's a gift from my...sister... The dress is very nice, even if it's not so warm, but perfect for day like today. Oggi mi sentivo in vena di gonna!!! E fortunatamente non faceva troppo freddo, così ho potuto indossare questa maglia di Siste,...Read More
I'm sorry cause this time the quality of the photos is very bad, but I wanted to share with u this look even if it should have been rappresented in a better way... Red, red and red again! -I like the red long sleeves t-shirt a lot, but unfortunatelly I bought it long time ago, so it should have been one size bigger...Read More
I was speaking to a friend of mine and to do it I stopped in this lovely yard, so I thought to shoot in the meanwhile...this is economy! ahahah! New entry of the day: this maxi sweater, it belonged to my mum, now it's mine!!!!! yuppy. I love the buttons with the eagles, so...tyrol style! Per parlare al cellulare con un mio amico...Read More
Usually I wear brown or black clothes for winter, I know I have to change it! But I feel so safe in these never-wrong colours. These look make me think about detectives: hat, gloves, scarf and trench. The bag, my cousin's present, seems to be small, but I assure u can fill it with all u want, very very comfortable. Di solito mi...Read More
Total sport! Do u remember the silver nike shoes? Memories... The colours of the outfit are lilac and black. I really like this scarf oversize, it's a present for my b-day. U can turn turn and turn it again around your neck with no end, it's a very warm sensation! The necklace with the pink flower is another present from my best friend....Read More
Yesterday I was wandering in Firenze to fix some stuff for the university, so why not taking photos in the meanwhile? Here we are. Chosen colour? orange! In this look I am very proud of three things: -thights made by my mum -bag given by a good friend (It's painted with the characters of "The Wizard of Oz") -the pin-flower given by another...Read More
I really don't know why, but my camera decided to took this photo with these absurde colours, so...why not, let's follow the destiny, I used it as the main photo. I was at my place in north Italy, I really miss my garden in Florence! The outfit: my big sweater knitted by my mum, THANX MUM; tights with bows-baby angel-, not very comfortable...Read More
I took these photos before leaving. Sporty and easy look. It's the first time u see my gym style boots, I LOVE THEM. And I was so excited cause I brought them in New York and three people stopped me to ask me where I had bought so nice boots...It's a greek brand -Makgio- with nice accessories and good prices. My necklace is...Read More
Checking your blog in the Apple Store of NYC? Exciting!!! Guardare il tuo blog dall'Apple Store di NYC? Davvero emozionante!!! ...Read More
And lady liberty again, yes, cause I found in a wonderful shop-littlemissmatched-some stuff to buy. I loved this shop. Nothing could match! I bought this t-shirt plus a "pair" (they were three and different) of socks with the Empire State Building, that I am holding in my hand like lady liberty in the t-shirt. So funny picture.You'll see better in the following photos....Read More
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