It's getting harder and harder to find time for myself in this period, I had two days-full-time-study; I guess it's a common problem with the summer tests...I am not even using bags, I have my laptop-bag for everything!! Sigh. This is the today outfit, it's very simple but I really like it, perfect also for the University. White t-shirt, jeans, a decorated shirt...Read More
Paolinaaaaaaa, I love you! This day was entirely sponsored by Paola. We had a great time in Salus Spa (Terranuova). Hope to do many other things with these tree girls. We had so much fun...maybe too much sometimes (we laughed a lot). We had our bathrobe, our towel and then we had OUR RELAX. Today I am studying with so much pleasure... Paolinaaaaaa,...Read More
What a gorgeous day!!! Ioanna, Paola, Alda and I took the train to will find it in the next post. The thing that made me crazy where the patterns of our clothes...LOVED IT: Colours, flowers and colours again. Don't you feel that when it's hot YOU HAVE TO wear colours?! P.S We all feel in love with Alda's vintage skirt, and you?...Read More
This morning my mood wasn't one of the best, but then I went out with some friends of mine just for a couple of hours, but it was enough: I' ve been studying since then...productivity!!! Sometimes you have just to dress up and go out to breathe a little bit. Have a nice week end buddies. xoxo Stamattina il mio umore non era...Read More
Today was a very long day, I was out of town for the university and tonight I am not feeling very well... I am just upset cause I was in the countryside and I could have taken some pics there with a gorgeous scenary, but I really had no time... Oggi è stata una giornata molto lunga, ero fuori città per dei rilievi...Read More
Oh yes, this morning I was begging for good weather cause I was really feel like wearing a skirt and when I opened the shutters...tadan: sun. I was the happiest person in the world. Everything I am wearing is vintage, and I am even more happy for it, I love vintage items...It's like giving them another life. Siiiiiiiii, stamattina stavo implorando per il...Read More
Yesterday evening there was the opening of the shop of a friend of mine, it was more a restyling than an opening: Argenteria Peruzzi since 1860. Isn't it very chic?! After that I had a cocktail with Ioanna and Paola. I hope you can find someone so close to you like they are for me. Have a good week even if Monday morning...Read More
I'm hopeless, I really LOVE the heels. I am so happy when I don't have to go to the university, so I can wear whatever I want. Yesterday I was studing and thank God I jumped out of my pajamas just to throw away the trash...not exactly what you call the proper look...but I was so happy to wear heels! :-) Sono senza...Read More
I had never been here before, and it was worth it!!! It's the Minerva Hotel in Piazza Santa Maria Novella, close to the train station. I definitely fell in love with this magic place. I don't want to speak about outfits today, I just want to share with you these peaceful moments. Non ci ero mai stata prima, e ne è davvero valsa...Read More
Except my funny faces, I wanted to take you into this summer spirit that is pervading me. Fluo colours everywhere today. I had never tried the yellow nailpolish before, (this is Ioanna's fro Kiko) and I am thinking about buying one, I love it; how about you? A parte le mie facce, volevo condividere con voi lo spirito estivo che mi ha preso...Read More
I love this post cause I am like a dwarf compare to the building stones of the Pitti palace, ahahah. Yesterday I was really in a hippy mood, comfy clothes, warm colours and the band detail that makes everything less common. Adoro questo post perchè sembro un nano in confronto alle pietre di Palazzo Pitti, ahahah. Ieri ero davvero in spirito hippy, vestiti...Read More
Today post sponsored by Paola's camera, yuppi!!!!!!!!!!! Mmmm I' ve left few picture from my camera, and I guess u can see which ones I am talking about...but they were to funny to be left out. Oh, I loved this place, "The fusion", it's so lounge, with warm colours, and it was what Ioanna Paola and I needed after the freezing wind (yes...Read More
Rosselli del Turco Garden: today while roaming the streets Ioanna and I had a stop in this wonderful garden. It's very hard to find gardens here in Florence, so we where very glad for having seen it, besides, it was really too hot today. It's history it's very old everything begun in 1534 from the demolition of two buildings. Now it is hosting...Read More
And when the sun goes's time to relax. Tonight me and Ioanna created a buddha bar atmosphere at home.Ahahah. We studied together and then we relaxed with a glass of wine with these amazing candlelights. Good night buddies! P.S: Don't forget to vote for me HERE ;-P E al relax è d'obbligo. Sta sera io e Ioanna abbiamo creato un'atmosfera molto Buddha bar...Read More
Hi everybody, so after your votes, the photo is chosen. If you like it you can press the hype botton below the photo. Thank you for helping me. Ciao ragazzi, quindi, dopo i vostri voti, la foto è stata scelta. Se vi piace potete premere il bottone hype che si trova sotto la foto. Grazie per avermi aiutata. ...Read More
I LOVE THESE GIRLS. Every time I am with Paola and Ioanna I have so much fun! Today I really wanted to have photos with them, they were both so stylish!!! During the lunch break we took these pics.We laughed a lot, we jumped...we enjoyed. ADORO QUESTE RAGAZZE. Ogni volta che sono con Paola e Ioanna ci divertiamo così tanto! Oggi volevo davvero...Read More
Guys, this time I need your help. There is a contest for the 30th Guess Anniversary. I have to post a look inspired by Claudia in the GUESS "30 Sexy Years" campaign; black and white photography, shot in the bedroom or outdoors, with a Guess item, that captures Ms. Schiffer's playful spirit and timelessly sensual look. Now...I really don't feel like Claudia...but I...Read More
Hi guys, the weather is not so good, but fortunately I have a colourful umbrella to face the bad weather. I love the first pic even if it is fuzzy. I know guys that my photos aren't that perfect and I really thank u for your suggestions, but till I will change my camera I can't to do more...I am sorry, I promise...Read More
I am really upset cause I wanted a better shooting for this outfit, but today I was late for everything...I hadn't enough time to shoot till now. As u can see I am still wearing sunglasses from the morning. I am very proud of me cause this sleeveless is one of my creation when I was younger, and I still like it! Sono veramente...Read More
Today was the right day to wear this uniform. It was warm enough in order to wear shorts but not so much, so that I could use a long sleeves shirt and high socks. I felt very comfortable, it was exactly what I needed today. Guys, do you like changing your style day by day or do you prefer to have your own...Read More
Not an outfit-post. I just wanted to show u my new ruffian nails. Sunglasses by Nouvelle Vague, I am in love with this brand for glasses, usually I don't like wearing sunnies but I think that this label fits me. T-shirt by Zara decorated with pearls, it is on of my favourite t-shirts. Un post senza outfit. Volevo solo mostrarvi le mie nuove...Read More
Ahahah, I am already laughing looking at these photos, what an 80s hairstyle I created?! and not on purpose... I was ready till the morning, but the weather didn't agree with me, so I took the photos at six o'clock p.m. outside, the only pair of hours without rain...and the rest inside. Ahahah, sto ancora ridendo nel riguardare queste foto, che acconciatura anni...Read More