I hope this post can be interesting for people who hasn't been to Berlin too. Really few and quick tips. - Book the visit for Reichstag in advance here - Eat a curry wurst in the kiosks that you find in the streets...Yummy - If you have couple of days don't enter the lovely but huge museums of the museum Insel, Berlin has a...Read More
And now we are talking...here some little postcards of my three days of Berlin, even if I gotta come back cause I didn't see everything. The two guys that you see here are Besi and Mister...they both have been living in Berlin for two years. I can't descrive my pleasure to see them again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ed ora si comincia a ragionare...ecco delle cartoline...Read More
So the answer is Berlin. I think I even waited too long to go. No, don't think that mine is a Berlin Fashion Week reportage like everybody is doing right now...I am an outsider. I wanna show you the city through my eyes, less fashion this time. Ok so I am checking my shots right now, in the next days you can see...Read More
For a couple of days I will be out of town without my laptop guys, so see you in few days. I am ready to go...where?! Eheh, you will find it out later. Or you can check my instagram profile to be more updated. Instagram: 7sevendaysara See you soon. Take care. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ragazzi, per un pò di giorni sarò fuori città senza il portatile,...Read More
Here we are in our super tiny kitchen. The house, as I told you, is really small...but I am starting to love a lot small houses, so easy to clean...so easy to deal with them...so easy to warm up. <3 <3 <3 Anyway, this is the kitchen, or better the angle where we cook. Today I was a little bit hippy, or as...Read More
Ehi ehi! Today I solved my problem. I've always told you that I have problems with the tights. I am too tall and many times I pull I pull and I break them...It happened the same today...Ok, so, after one hole...I broke everythig to let the personality come out. The dress is a new in from tezenis, it was about 8euros...I really reccomend...Read More
Uhuhuhhhhh! My new iiiiiin! How much I love sales. I spent 27 euros with both pair of shoes by Bata. I am so glad! Not very basic shoes...but that's why I love them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uhuhuhuhu! Nuove speseeeee! Quanto adoro i saldi. Ho speso 27 euro per entrambe le paia di scarpe di Bata. Sono troppo contenta! Non sono scarpe troppo basiche...ma è per...Read More
My sister's house here in Trento is not so big, but it is really comfy. Now that I live there her bed turned into a sofa (in the pic) and the sofa is our double bed. Everything has a touch of green. I was wearing the cropped sweater my mum bought me for my b-day. It is full of kisses and so cozy...Read More
Hi everyone, I was so excited to try my new lens Canon 50mm f/1.8 II, but unfortunately I couldn't get exactly the result I wanted cause it started raining so badly. Anyway I think I was dressed a lot normal, but many people said that they liked my look so I decided to share it with you. The spicy touch is my hair,...Read More
This bunch of woods makes me remind of:"winter is coming"eheh. Living in a cold town causes winter reactions: I think my father collected two times these woods, like if he would be waiting for the end of the world...anyway here I was not even near my house, I was driving trough the Tuscan mountains: Il Passo della Consuma. I saw this natural set,...Read More
Guys, I am sorry for my absence, but I am sure that you'll manage perfectly without me too :-P What have you done during these holidays??? For me it has been a lot like this picture, a storm! A storm of thoughts, a storm of work, a storm of snow...no actually it snowed just one day. I didn't even managed to build a...Read More