
Sporty chic for Antonia Tsami & Elvira's Hair Studio

March 17, 2018

Tadaaaaaan, and after three days of preparation, this is the result of the shooting in collaboration with: Antonia Tsami (Nails and MUA) and Elvira's Hair studio (Hairdo). I hope you like this post as much as me.
We started with the nails and location, that's why we went for a green colour. When this had been established, came the style and the hairdo as well. It's a kinda sporty-chic look. I am really curious to hear your feedbacks.
P.s. Passing from my nails to this hadn't been easy, but after the second day of practice I could do everything.
Tadaaaaan, μετά από τρεις μέρες δουλειά, αυτό είναι το αποτέλεσμα. Το shooting είναι μια συνεργασία με Αντωνία Τσάμη (νύχια και MUA) και Elvira's Hair Studio (χτένισμα). Ελπίζω να σας αρέσει αυτό το ποστ όσο αρέσει σ'εμένα.
Ξεκινήσαμε με νύχια και location, γι' αυτό αποφασίσαμε για το πράσινο χρώμα. Μετά ήρθαν το style και το χτένισμα. Είναι ένα look sporty-chic. Είμαι πολύ περίεργη να ακούσω την γνώμη σας.
P.s. Η αλλαγή από τα δικά μου νύχια σ'αυτά δεν ήταν εύκολη, αλλά μετά από την δεύτερη μέρα μπωρούσα να τα κάνω όλα.
Tadaaaaan, e dopo tre giorni di preparazione, questo è il risultato dello shooting in collaborazione con Antonia Tsami (unghie e trucco) ed Elvira's Hair studio (pettinatura). Spero che questo post vi piaccia tanto quanto piace a me.
Abbiamo cominciato partendo dalle unghie e dalla location, ecco perchè è stato scelto come colore base il verde. Stabilito ciò, siamo passati al look e pettinatura. Si tratta di uno stile chic-sportivo. Sono molto curiosa di sentire cosa ne pensate.
P.s. Passando dalle mie unghie a queste non è stato facile, ma dopo il secondo giorno di pratica, potevo fare qualsiasi cosa.

Total look: Bershka (trousers, blouse, earrings, rings )
MUA, nails: Antonia Tsami

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