If only... New year's Eve

January 01, 2017

And voilà: 01.01.2017
First of all I think that I have passed one of the BEST New Year's Eve: hand made romantic dinner for two, next to the stove, watching the Montecarlo Circus on TV. I looooove watching the Circus on the 31st, it's like a tradition. And then series marathon. I live in the mountains and every year I was dreaming of elegant shiny dresses, but the only thing I could wear was a thick coat. For one reason or another it was always super cold on new year's eve. So this year the warmness and cozyness of my house seduced me.
Before deciding to stay at home I had another plan: a small walk through the mountains. In this case the outfit would have been this one: total white, with a warm bomber-coat, and the magic detail of the tiara (since I received it for my b-day, every occasion is right to wear it)

Coat: Pinko
Trousers: D&G
Shoes: Greisy
Tiara: Accessorize

Pics by Tilemachos Tsouramanis

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