

October 30, 2012
Happy halloween everybody. I don't know if I'll celebrate it or not this year...And you? What are you gonna do for Halloween? P.s. All of these pumpkins were in my garden in Feltre, unfortunately they were too heavy to bring one in Florence :-( Buon Halloween a tutti. Io non so ancora se lo festeggerò quest'anno... E voi? Cosa farete per Halloween? P.s....Read More


October 30, 2012
I love this pic taken by Ioanna. You see an umbrella, so guess how much it was pouring down... I love bad weather when you can enter a house with warm blankets and hot tea... Mi piace un sacco questa foto scattata da Ioanna. Vedete un ombrello, quindi immaginate quanto stesse diluviando...Adoro il brutto tempo quando poi a casa aspettano calde coperte e...Read More

liKe iF We wErE IN ChICAgo

October 28, 2012
It was dark so the quality of the pics is not the best, but I simply love this photoshooting. Ioanna and I found out to be dressed in the same way: trench and boots; and this is not the first time... is it the same for you with your closest friends? Era scuro, quindi la qualità delle foto non è delle migliori, ma...Read More


October 28, 2012
Last week I had a walk when I was at home in Feltre...don't you think that fall has gorgeous colours?! La scorsa settimana ho fatto una passeggiata quando ero a casa a Feltre... non pensate anche voi che l'autunno abbia colori magnifici?! ...Read More


October 27, 2012
How fun is hanging aroud with the rain. I am the kind of person who hates the umbrellas, maybe I can buy a rainproof-hat...ahahah. Heroes of the day, this pair of vintage ear-rings, I would like to show them also in other outfits. Com'è divertente andarsene in giro con la pioggia. Io sono il tipo di persona che odia gli ombrelli, forse potrei...Read More

HopE I'LL Be Your bLOG-Girl

October 25, 2012
ARE YOU GONNA BE MY GIRL? HOPE I'LL BE YOUR BLOG-GIRL Yesterday, it was 7-sevendays b-day, so I have a little summary of the last experiences I had. Unfortunately it's just lately that I am taking videos, so u can't see the whole year, but you can get it!!! What you can see in the video: -Besi Graduation -Silvia Graduation -Puglia with the...Read More

tHe sUN is gOINg dowN

October 24, 2012
I wanna leave u today with this amazing Venetian sunset. Oggi vi voglio lasciare con questo magnifico tramonto veneziano. ...Read More

tHe ArMcHair

October 22, 2012
Hi guys, when I came back home I found this amazing armchair, my father decided to become a carpenter...Unfortunatelly I couldn't move it, cause it was so heavy, so the background is not one of the best...but I really wanted to shoot. Salve ragazzi, quando sono tornata a casa ho trovato questa fantastica poltrona, mio papà ha deciso di diventare falegname...Sfortunatamente non la...Read More

...lA BiEnnALe

October 21, 2012
Sorry for the one-day delay, but when I come home I am running all the day to see all of my friends and to do in few days all the stuff I have to. Yes, I was in Venice bacause of the Biennale of architecture, to be honest I don't consider it architectural AT ALL, but there were few things very inspiring. The...Read More

iT's a MaTtEr oF WaTer

October 19, 2012
Hi guys!!!!! Greatings from Venice! xoxo  It's not my favourite city to live in, but it's amazing to visit it, don't you think so?! I went there with Ale cause...you'll find it tomorrow. ENJOY VENICE! P.s. the pics have been taken by me and Ale too. Ciao ragazzi!!!!! Saluti da Venezia! baci  Non è una delle mie città preferite per viverci, ma la...Read More


October 18, 2012
Some others super cute murals. Have u ever tried to do one? I haven't. Many of them are really inspiring. Alcuni altri murales molto belli. Avete mai provato a farne uno? Io no. Molti sono veramente ispiranti. ...Read More

aS the caPE of thE SleEpiNg beAUty's WitCH

October 17, 2012
 A little post dedicated to one of my favourite shirt (that I use as a jacket almost all the time) you can find some outfits here and here. I'd loved it could have been as the cape of the Sleeping beauty's Witch, do you remember it? I love that kind of neck!!! Un piccolo post dedicato ad una delle mie camicie preferite (che uso come giacca la...Read More


October 16, 2012
Ah, Autumn is so peaceful, nobody around! I love just sitting down and hearing the leaves carried by the wind... Ah, l'autunno è una stagione così tranquilla, nessuno in giro! Adoro anche solo sedermi ad ascoltare le foglie trasportate dal vento.. Jacket: Vintage Shirt: Dad's shirt Skirt: Vintage Ankle boots: Makgio Scarf: Handmade by me Bag: Furla Sunnies: Nouvelle Vague  ...Read More


October 14, 2012
Good evening buddies! I am here at home surrounded by my candles and my incenses ready for another week. In the meanwhile, here's the look of yesterday, simple, but I think it's one of my favourite outfits of the last period. Buona sera ragazzi! Sono qui a casa circondata da candele e incensi per prepararmi ad una nuova settimana. Nel frattempo eccovi il...Read More


October 13, 2012
Today I was a little bit sick, so I wanna leave u with some "postcards" of my wonderful Florence that made me smile in such a day... Oggi non ero proprio in forma, quindi vi voglio lasciare con alcune "cartoline" della mia bellissima Firenze che mi hanno fatto sorridere anche vista la giornata... ...Read More


October 11, 2012
I am very comfortable with this outfit, but maybe today my camera didn't like my feet...I have taken billions of pics and everywhere I am feet-less, ahahah. A tribute to the Empire State Building: I am totally in love with these socks from Littlemissmatched, but they are very hard to combine, also cause they are missmatched... P.s. Today I was in a glasses-day ;-)...Read More

SomE IngREdiENTs

October 10, 2012
No one of these pics have been taken today, but everything was part of the "today-ingredient": RAIN; TEA; and BOOKS FOR STUDY. I have to admit that they are very well combined together, it is much easier to study when it's rainy with a cup of hot tea in front of u, isn't it?! Nessuna di queste foto è stata scattata oggi, ma tutto è...Read More

Hi, iS it ME???

October 09, 2012
Oh, today everything Vintage, love it. And above all, I am wearing some presents: - the bracelets come from USA thank my mum - this longsleeves it's a present from my cousin Luisa; by the way, she has a blog too, and today she posted such inspiring pics that I HAVE to show it to u: November Oh, oggi tutto Vintage, bello, bello. Ma...Read More

nAno bAr

October 07, 2012
I wanna show u the Nano Bar, a new bar in Florence, I'm in love with the furniture. I've been there some days ago with Paola, tasty food, nice place! Vi voglio mostrare il Nano Bar, un nuovo bar a Firenze, io mi sono innamorata dell'arredamento. Ci sono stata qualche giorno fa con Paola, buon cibo, bel posto! ...Read More

anIMatEd aGaiN

October 06, 2012
Yesterday I' ve done a special photo-shooting for my animated photos, it was a while I haven't been posting them... Ieri ho fatto un piccolo servizio per le mie foto animate, era un pò che non ne postavo... ...Read More


October 04, 2012
Yes, this american transparent shirt again, I am experimenting it also in the autumn: sporty with a glimpse of orange. Sì, ancora questa magliettina trasparente americana, la sto sperimentando anche per l'autunno: sportiva con un tocco arancio. Transparent shirt: Vintage Longsleeve: Vintage Jeans: Sisley Shoes: Benetton ...Read More


October 03, 2012
Speaking of Rando, here he is! I thank him for such wonderful pics. In the first pic I had his camera lens. A proposito di Rando, eccolo qui! Lo ringrazio per queste bellissime foto. Nella prima avevo in mano un obiettivo. Jacket: Oviesse Dress: Tally Weijl Bag: Coin ...Read More

hAvE a NiCE dAy

October 02, 2012
Love this pic that Rando took me and Besi. I feel happy watching it...Have a nice day everybody! Mi pice un sacco questa foto che ha scattato Rando a me e Besi. Guardandola mi mette il buonumore...Buona giornata a tutti! ...Read More
