
FoR mE wIth The EagLe

July 31, 2012
By the way...I was telling you about my love for fans; and that this love was inspired by my cousin Luisa... well, when I came back home I found out that she had bought for me and Ioanna these cute pocket fans. They are made by paper, very light, cheap and perfect for any bag. I have chosen the open one with the...Read More

mOsQuiTO nET

July 31, 2012
Good morning, this is one of my favourite nightdress. These days I am wearing it also during the day, I feel special with it, don't ask why. Today when I got up, safe, inside my mosquito net, I thought that it was the perfect scenery for one post, and here I am. Buongiorno, questa è una delle mie camicie da notte preferite. In...Read More

lAcE sHIRt

July 29, 2012
It's the second time that I've used this outfit, and finally I took pics of it. It hasn't been so easy cause it was raining ALL the day... But I am not complaining, it's much better than the heat of Florence. What do you think about this lace t-shirt?! I find it adorable, maybe also cause it's so long; I have also a...Read More

brEAthiNG nAtuRE

July 28, 2012
Hi everybody, home sweet home again! I really needed to breath fresh air and to see NOBODY; I had enough of tourists in Florence. Here you are, my mountains, I had a walk till "Rifugio Venezia" near San Vito di Cadore, isn't it gorgeous?! In the last pic my parents <3 Salve a tutti, e ancora una volta casa dolce casa! Avevo veramente...Read More

tAlKING to BesI

July 25, 2012
My last day in Florence...I've gladly spent it with good friends. Here you can see Besi, Besi is no longer a friend, is like a brother for me. We were chilling out in a bench, being happy for having finished all our exams, both of us ;-P I love the last pic he took me, don't u think so?! And I was imitating...Read More

PoOL, OliVE TreeS And SUn

July 23, 2012
I told you...relax, relax and relax. I started today. Ingredients for one magic summer day: pool, olive trees, and sun. Io vi avevo avvertiti...relax, relax e solo relax. Ho iniziato oggi. Ingredienti per una giornata estiva magica: piscina, ulivi e sole. Dress: Tezenis Bag: United colours of Benetton Towel: Coin Bikini: Yamamay ...Read More


July 21, 2012
Guys.....I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, I finished all my exams!!! I am so happy! In September I'll work for my final, but from now on...Holidays. This is a pic from last night, I was celebrating with my best friend. Ragazzi...NON CI POSSO CREDERE, ho finito tutti gli esami!!! Sono così felice! Da settembre dovrò mettermi sotto per la preparazione della tesi, ma da ora...Read More


July 17, 2012
Oh yes, this is the only way to survive the florentine heat. And above all, I find fans very chic. I really want to show you one of them that I've left in Feltre, it's my favourite one, I am sure, you'll love it. This is an amazing tip for the hot weather, I have to thank my cousin Luisa for it. (I'll...Read More

hAve A niCe tRIp

July 13, 2012
An interesting question...who is her??? And now we see who is a good follower...just joking. Some weeks ago Ioanna took some pics for my blog and I took some photos of her. Now it's time to post them, also cause she is leaving for Greece in few days, so I wanted to greet her in a proper way. You won't see her for...Read More

hAir sTYLe

July 10, 2012
Guys this session of exams seems to have no stop. I have no-time-at-all. I'll leave you with this hairstyle I had last week. I break my record, one fourty-five minutes for having a shower, getting dressed, making a hairstyle and going to the meeting point. Sometimes it's not so bad to become fast... Still one week, I am counting like being in jail...ahahahah...Read More

cOMbo wINe-jAzz

July 08, 2012
Some snapshots of this wonderful evening, a glass of wine and jazz, Pure pleasure! If you like to get into it, it's a shop in via st. Apostoli, Per bacco. In these days my fashion blog is becoming a turist guide, hope to be usefull in anycase. ;-P Alcuni snapshots di questa splendida serata, un bicchiere di vino e jazz, Cosa si può volere...Read More

tYpiCal Pool dAY

July 04, 2012
This is the only few hours I spent living the summer this year, but when I think about this afternoon I feel better. Day sponsored by our friend Lapo. It's so good just to chill out in a pool, I think that after the exams I'll do nothing just relax...this could be a typical day of my summer...ahahahah P.s. How cute is Zeno...Read More

no sTARs jUST StriPES

July 02, 2012
U see a suitcase, but unfortunately is not for holidays... :-(   I was doing "shopping" at my place, cause I am almost living with Ioanna because of the exams... But we have fun in any case, so it' is not so bad! I wish u a good start for tomorrow. A huge hug. P.s. An advise: if you want to take a...Read More
