

October 31, 2011

SuN is fUn

October 31, 2011

NighTS iN GreY SaTin

October 30, 2011

FrOM rUSsia WhiT LOve

October 28, 2011

BeiNG LaTe

October 27, 2011


October 25, 2011

LeT's FLy ToGethEr

October 24, 2011

Hit it

October 23, 2011

Not ready to start, but....hurry up

October 05, 2011
Mmm, I wrote so many things, but no one of them was good enough to start with... Unfortunatelly this blog will be under construction because of my university, but I have so many ideas, I'll tell u everything. Just keep in touch, I hope it will be a wonderful adventure ...Read More
