
Waving stars

May 30, 2016
Even if you didn't see me already, my favourite outfits for the summer are short dresses. Easy to wear, and easy to match. This one in particular is a present from my beloved cusin <3. I like it a lot cause with the wind it makes a waving effect, plus the stars are adorable. These are some pics taken in the pier of...Read More


May 25, 2016
This post was really spontaneous. I wasn't prepared at all, the only think I could do was to put some lipstick. In any case I have to say that I really like it. You can see my super new in: these sneakers by Lotto. I am really not able to buy sneakers. Every time that I go shopping with this aim, I end...Read More

Chilling in the blue

May 19, 2016
This was my first, and for now last, swim in the Cretan sea. Back then, the season didn't start, so the sea was all for me...plus was really cold. This swim suit is a present from a friend of mine, actually I use to get more excited when I don't wear things that I bought for myself...cause I see it like a challenge,...Read More

Diving in the pool

May 15, 2016
I am talking from the bottom of a pool...I can't wait to see when it will be fuuuuuuuull. Actually now that I am speaking the weather is horrible, so it is wonderful to see sunny pics. I used this dress, that I like to turn into a skirt, combined with a simple with shirt and these wonderful earrings. That's a colourful post. :-)...Read More

Tommy G

May 11, 2016
These are some unpublished pics about the Carnival period. I was never interested in make up, but this caused a big problem, I know NOTHING about it. That's why lately, I am watching a lot of tutorials in youtube, plus Elena, one lady in Roupas (Greek beauty-care shop), is taking care of me. For the Carnival, the shop had organized free make up...Read More


May 08, 2016
It's twenty days that I live next to the sea side and not even one post... Here we are to solve the problem. I found this super cool way (maybe just for me) to use this dress: I didn't tie it on the breast and I left it slack, so that it gives the idea of a jumpsuit...and of course I combined it...Read More
