
Trento Christmas Markets

December 21, 2014
My b-day was on the 19th, but I celebrated it a little before to be with the right people. For those who know my mad obsession for Christmas...Could you immagine something better than Trento Christmas Markets?! Vin Brulè (hot red wine with spices), and then a HUUUUGE burger...after that I was dying... look at the last pic...eheheh. Kisses -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Il mio compleanno è...Read More

Wash & Dry

December 18, 2014
Ok, living in Trento is lovely, BUT I have TWO BIG PROBLEMS. 1. I don't have internet, and it's really hard from the blog till the mails. 2. I don't have a washing machine. I had to wait there for more or less one hour and a half so I took the opportunity to shoot. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, vivere a Trento è molto bello,...Read More

The Hosiery spot

December 15, 2014
Interview with Sara of 7-Sevendays Hello Everyone,I am please to announce another interview this time with Sara of the blog 7-Sevendays.  Sara Lives in Italy and I think she has a really great style, and puts together wonderful outfits.  I love how she is able to incorporate hosiery into her outfits as well.  She kindly sent me a few photos showing how she styles...Read More

Now I can handle them

December 11, 2014
Right now I am like a little child with lollipops...I found a beanie that can hold my hair...CAN YOU BELIEVE ITTTTTTT? I am desperately in love with any kind of hats...but because of my hair I can't wear any type. Tezenis saved my life!!! And it's also cheap...more or less 10euros. Then I met by coincidence this playground...perfect for the day. P.s. Star...Read More

Found in the closet

December 09, 2014
Morning, I have spent this 8th December with my family at home. Maybe it is one of my favourite festivity cause we manage to decorate ALL the house for Christmas and I mean all...actually the talented one is my sister. Coming back home I found in my closet this white jeans...think I haven't been wearing them for ages, and my BELOVED "Twin-set" pumps...Read More

Il circolino

December 08, 2014
Do we have to say stripes?! Yes we do! By coincidence I was styled like the juke box ahaha. Ladies and Gentlemen..."Il Circolino", this is the bar were I work now in Trento. Now I live with my sis...it has been centuries that we haven't been together, it's so weird...and wonderful. Now I can also see my cusin <3. Isn't this place amazing?!...Read More

Yellow sea

December 04, 2014
I found it agaaaaaain, the Ginkgo Biloba, I think it's one of my favourite trees in autumn. The power of the colour gives a lot of energy. When I was taking pics many people stopped in contemplation. I wasn't ready to shoot for a post...but actually I couldn't manage not to stop. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L'ho trovato di nuovoooooo, il Ginkgo Biloba, penso sia uno dei miei...Read More
