Hi everybody! I am not feeling very well lately :-( I hope I'll get better soon. Anyway I am starting a new adventure in my life...and as I see there will be a lot in this 2015. I'll let you know. White flower: symbol of purity, used when you are waiting for news... ...2015 fingers crossed! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Salve a tutti! Non sto troppo...Read More
I always loved to ride the bike in Florence, cause I used to have it in my home-town. Unfortunately it is so difficult not to be stolen here...It happened to me after only one month. :-( This is not mine, but I had the opportunity to ride one again for one day. Eheh. Anyway...if you can use it, it is a lovely sensation....Read More
Ohohoh! I am super duper excited... My body, my brain, my feelings have decided that it's winter, and in my mind winter means just one thing: Christmas. Only ONE MONTH. In the meanwhile I begin to feel confident to this season drinking hot chocolate. If you are in Florence it worth going to Rivoire in Piazza della Signoria in the very city centre;...Read More
I have to share with you others pics of Fiesole, this small village full of green, with a great view, near Florence...the weather was a little bit better and hotter...Pale outfit, comfy for a small walk! Infact, to reach the Panorama, the path is a little bit hard, but short. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ho altre foto da condividere con voi di Fiesole, questa cittadina immersa...Read More
Tac tac tac...Last time I didn't post every pic modified by Google-composition. Here we are! And we are done for the moment...I am just waiting for Google to surprise me again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tac tac tac..L'ultima volta non ho postato tutte le immagini modificate dalla composizione di Google. Eccoci qui! E per ora siamo a posto per il momento...aspetterò ancora di essere sorpresa dalle...Read More
Speaking about sunsets...I think it's time to post this spectacular shot. Right pose, in the right point at the right time...with the right weather...thank you wind!!!! This was another experience of the "going-down-sun"...but this time in the very center of Florence...Ponte Santa Trinita. If you are in town I really suggest you to enjoy the sunset from one of the bridges. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A...Read More
Hi everybody. Today I managed to find few hours without rain to go to the countryside. Fiesole area near Florence is so magic. Maybe it is cause I miss my mountains, but a walk through the trees can really make my day! Actually the special colours of autumn, and the wonderful tones of the sunset made me think how gorgeous is nature. Really...Read More
Hiiiiiiii!!!! How much I miss this place. I think that I will come to do a real shooting here. It is perfect for magical moments, prom dresses, in one word special-atmospheres. For those how are in Bologna, this terrace is in Parco Montagnola; from one side there is the green of the park, on the other it's visible Bologna's streets like an aristocratic...Read More
Checking my archive I saw this photo with Paola, actually I don't know why I didn't post it before... I think it's really nice. I love the contrast between our lipsticks. It was shot by my friend Babak, have a look to his blog. I take this opportunity to thank all my close friends, they always make me laugh and make me feel...Read More
After these days I could't avoid a "rainy-post". Actually this one is from a summer storm in Florence; but the situation now is not much better. If it still goes on like this I'll start to build my personal boat. When it rains it is so strange...people is running, some is trying to sell you umbrallas, some is waiting under...whatever they find in...Read More
These sunny days are far away :-( There is nothing special about this outfit, but I really like my new vest <3 And actually there is also one more thing: this earring is my mother's pin. I think I am gonna try again to turn pins into earrings!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Queste belle giornate ormai sono un lontano sogno :-( Non c'è nulla di speciale...Read More
Every now and then google plus create animations with my pics...they are so funny aren't them?! I wanted to share them with you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ogni tanto google plus crea animazioni con le mie foto...divertenti vero?! Volevo condividerle con voi ...Read More
Even if every year we try to get ready for Halloween, we always run in the shops last minute...but we made it!!!!! I think you need no more words to explain this party, so...enjoy the pics! How was your Halloween? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anche se ogni anno cerchiamo di farci trovare preparati per Halloween, ci tocca sempre correre all'ultimo secondo...ma ce l'abbiamo fatta!!!! Credo che...Read More