And one..and two...and one two three four! I fell in love with this OVS t-shirt! First of all I like the stamp, second I adore the shape and third I love the material; it is really thick, so it's not falling down. Then I bought also this pair of leggings, they remind me of optical art, cute aren't they?! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E un...e due...e...Read More
Soooo quite. I couldn't believe myself when I saw the Arno so still... I tried to turn upside-down the pic and it could work almost like this too. I leave you with this optical trick. Goodnight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coooosì calmo. Non potevo credere ai miei occhi quando ho visto l'Arno così fermo...ho provato a girare la fotografia a testa in giù e poteva quasi...Read More
It's a long time that I haven't been wearing this sweater...Everytime I do it there is somebody that says that it's gorgeous...Handmade stuff is always the best. Thanx mum!!!!! My favourite sweater with my favourite winter shoes...couldn't be bad ;-) Today I could use it without any longsleeves thanks to the weather...that's how I prefer it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Era un sacco di tempo che...Read More
The happiness to eat a burger DLING...actually this one wasn't that delicious...but it is the mistery of the junk know that it's not healty but sometimes you really need to eat it. I guess it is the shape of the's like an interesting building, and it is so coloured...and maybe it is also cause you can eat it with your fingers...Yes!...Read More
Finally here you are the pics of my Greek holidays. There is a bunch of them...hope you don't get bored :-P As you may see I loved to take photos of the sunset; the sun reflected in the sea has something magic. The bridge that you see is the bridge of Patra. I think it is one of the most elegant ones, and...Read More
Lately I am really captured by outfits that reminds of something male. So I got to my father closet and I stole a pair of trousers. Poor dad, sometimes I steal shirts, sometimes trousers, sometimes ties... Because of the big size I used a belt to fix them. Then when I wore them the outfit was shouting heels, I think it turned out...Read More
Ok, let's talk a little bit about the travel to go to Greece: 24 hours by ferry-boat, DECK :-S Myyyyy Goood. The never ending story. I want to give some advices to the poor people like me that has to deal with something similar. ° First of all take the opportunity to try the fantastic greek-cold-coffee! They are delicious, and there is a...Read More
And here again one of the aprons I turned in top. Actually even if I did it when I didn't know how to sew, and the seams are TERRIBLE, I really like the idea that I had, it is very "young" know. I wore it with sand tones cause it has a wonderful green on it, and I wanted it to show up....Read More
Maybe one of the funniest things in Greece has been selling onions at the market in Patra, they call it Laiki. I helped Mixalis, the guy you see in the pics, for a couple of hours. He grows the onions by himself. It is a tough job, I really admire him. With the colour of my dress I was like a fly in...Read More
I didn't say anything about my summer...One by one I am gonna tell you everything...let's cheer up now that it is so far away :-P Ahahahaha, even if...telling the truth... I am still waiting for Christmas, but ok I am a little bit TOOOO maniac with is since August that I am singing Christmas Carols. Anyway this is a "Beautiful Postcard" shot...Read More
Moooorning, even if maaany times I am a black and white person, I think colours are so beautiful. Since last year I fell in love with this pink-coral tone. I bought jacket, shoes, shirt. Today I combined it with a simple pair of leggings and boots. I didn't need anything else cause the colour "could speak by himself". And ok I am becoming...Read More
During this trip we've visited the city of Aosta too...and my sis and I had lots of opportunities to shoot "different" photos, let's say funnier. Hope you like them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In questo viaggio abbiamo anche visitato la città di e mia sorella abbiamo avuto molti spunti per scattare foto un pò più "particolari", diciamo divertenti. Spero vi piacciano ...Read More
Hi buddies, even if I am not a great great walker every now and then I join my family to go to the mountains. Last week it was my parents' anniversary and we had the opportunity to visit the Valle D'Aosta. I had never been there, but it was like if I had always lived in those mountains...I don't know why, maybe cause...Read More
Autumn, the most interesting and more difficult season to find out what to wear. Yesterday for example it was sooooooo cold...I just wanted to wear thousends of blankets. Today...bikini, and then it started to rain. I had faith that a trench could be my solution. But don't worry, many times this problem it is the best way to find interesting outfits cause you...Read More