
liKe a Guy

March 26, 2013
It's late and I am still studying, I am thinking about you guys and I feel better... A big kiss. E' tardi e sto ancora studiando, e vi sto pensando ragazzi, e la cosa mi fa stare un pò meglio...un bacio grande. Hat: Oviesse Jacket: Vintage Jeans: Sisley Sneakers: Colours of California ...Read More

It's a BLacK WoRLD

March 23, 2013
Since yesterday I really want to escape the everyday life. I am thinking about travels, so let's dream at least with the blog. And I take this opportunity to introduce you to one of my favourite tumbrl: http://forinsidemyhead.tumblr.com/  Have a look, there are a lot of inspiring pics belonged above all to the black world. Da ieri voglio veramente scappare dalla routine quotidiana. Sto...Read More

iT's sPring, Rain, Stop!

March 22, 2013
Mmmm, Rain, I am begging you, STOP. Thank God for the first day of Spring it was a wonderful day. Keep it up! Have a nice...Spring everybody. Mmmmm, Pioggia, ti prego, SMETTI. Grazie a Dio per la prima giornata di Primavera c'è stata una giornata meravigliosa. Continua così! Buona...Primavera a tutti. Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin Seguitemi su Facebook e Bloglovin ...Read More

brOwn sTRipES

March 21, 2013
Hi! Just say welcome back Sara... Uh, is so hard to take pictures lately. I decided to combine this two kind of stripes together, and welcome back glasses too... I don't know why but in the last period I feel comfortable with them. Ciao! Diciamo solo, bentornata Sara... Uh, E' così difficile scattare foto ultimamente. Ho deciso di abbinare questi due tipi di...Read More

mY moRninGS

March 18, 2013
My life in these months goes fast a lot. Sorry for the lack of updates. I just wanna tell u that I am attending a fashion school, and it is very intense. Can't wait to show you something made by me... This is the expression I have the most of my mornings now. Ahahahahaha La mia vita in questi mesi va velocissima. Scusate...Read More

mEeTinG By COincIDenCE

March 16, 2013
Yes, you never know in your life. I had a meeting with my best friend Ioanna. Then I decided to call other two friend of mine Carolina and Anna at the very last minute. And during the evening we met Max and Erik. We found out a party at the Diesel store...Great! From two we were six in the end...and we had a...Read More


March 15, 2013
Yey, it was almost sunny today! I am so happy. I reached the warmness with the camel colour... P.s. you like this new scarf style?! Yey, oggi era quasi caldo! Sono troppo contenta. Ho avvicinato il caldo con il color cammello... P.s. Vi piace questo nuovo modo per la sciarpa?! Coat: Vintage Leggings: Hue Shirt: Vintage Ankle boots: Makgio ...Read More


March 13, 2013
You can give a special touch to your dress with a simple scarf. All you need is a long and big scarf and a big belt...Done!!! I combined a grey dress with a pink scarf, try! You'll be satisfied. Potete dare un tocco particolare ad un vestito con una semplice sciarpa. Ciò che serve sono solamente una grande e lunga sciarpa e una...Read More

mE?! TireD

March 12, 2013
This is me after one exhausting day of work. Today I was really casual!!! I hope I can show you my projects as soon as possible. Questa sono io dopo un estenuante giorno di lavoro. Oggi ero molto casual!!! Spero di potervi mostrare i miei progetti prima possibile. Follow me on Facebook and Bloglovin Seguitemi su Facebook e Bloglovin ...Read More


March 11, 2013
Hi everybody! Today I made I little exception and I wanted to publish pics that are not mine. The thing is that I had to study some faces for a drawing lesson, I found them very interesting and I wanted to share them with you. Ciao a tutti! Oggi ho deciso di fare uno strappo alla regola ed ho voluto pubblicare delle foto...Read More


March 09, 2013
Flowers guys, yes, I am looking for the Spring now... ok not the spring but at least no rain. I was shooting and after one minute it started to pour down :-( Fiori ragazzi miei, eh sì, sto cercando la Primavera...ok, non la primavera ma almeno evitare la pioggia. Stavo scattando le foto e dopo un minuto ha cominciato a diluviare :-( Sweater:...Read More

unDeR tHe cOaT...

March 08, 2013
I really have to say it this week...Thank God is Friday!!!!! I wish you a wonderful week-end and I leave you with the outfit under the coat... Questa settimana lo devo dire veramente...Grazie al cielo è Venerdì!!!!! Vi auguro uno splendido finesettimana e vi lascio con l'outfit sotto il cappotto... Everything: Vintage Tights: Pompea Rain-boots: Agatha Ruiz de la Prada ...Read More

rAiny BooTs

March 07, 2013
Rainy days? No problem, I have my super comfy Agatha Ruiz de la Prada rain boots. I love wearing colours during the rainy days, it's like bringing happiness into a grey world. Giornate piovose? Nessun problema, ho i miei comodissimi stivali da pioggia di Agatha Ruiz De la Prada. Adoro vestirmi colorata durante le giornate piovose, è come portare un pò di felicità...Read More

tHe pApiLLon

March 05, 2013
Oh what a pity, I wanted to shoot outside today...but with all the rain I thought it would have been better an indoor shooting. I wanted to be comfy but special at the same time, so I combined sneakers with the papillon. What do you say? Oh che peccato, volevo scattare qualche foto all'esterno oggi...ma con tutta la pioggia ho pensato fosse meglio...Read More

sTrEEtstYle aGain

March 04, 2013
I am kinda getting used to take pics to this wonderful city, Florence. Today it was a beautiful day and I really wanted to remember these moments. Mi sto abituando ad immortalare questa fantastica città, Firenze. Oggi era una giornata bellissima e volevo ricordare questi momenti. ...Read More

SHeeP Skin

March 03, 2013
Yesterday night I went out for a dinner with some of my friends and this was my outfit. The coat, plus the scarf, plus the bag reminds of the sheep skin don't they?! It was a long time that I haven't been wearing these shoes, I am happy and they are super comfy!!! Ieri sera sono uscita per una cenetta con alcuni dei...Read More

LaST Year

March 03, 2013
Do you remember this outfit? I found this pic of the last year and I wanted to share it with you. It's kinda poster-edited. Step by step we are getting close to those temperatures. Yes!!! Vi ricordate di questo outfit? Ho trovato questa foto dell'anno scorso e la volevo condividere con voi. E' modificata come una sorta di poster. Pian piano ci avviciniamo...Read More
