

February 28, 2013
Hi everybody...finally we can see some sun. Don't you think that a hat can give a special twist to an outfit? I love this one... Have a great Friday!!!! TGIF.... Ciao a tutti...finalmente un pò di sole Non pensate che si possa dare il giusto tocco ad un outfit con un cappello? Questo mi piace tanto. Buon Venerdì!!! TGIF (Grazie a Dio è...Read More


February 27, 2013
Sorry guys I've been a little bit lazy with the updates lately...don't worry, I'll show u why... A nerd style for you today. What do you think of it? Especially for the firmoo glasses...don't forget the first pair free Scusate ragazzi, sono stata un pò pigra con gli aggiornamenti ultimamente...non vi preoccupate, vi mostrerò perchè... Oggi uno stile un pò nerd per voi. Che...Read More


February 23, 2013
Sigh...last day of Resort pics. Now I have a kinda homesick about it. I leave you with these pics of the swimming pool surrounded by the olive trees...and us. Sigh...ultimo giorno di foto del Resort. Ora ho un pò di nostalgia. Vi lascio con queste immagini della piscina immersa tra gli ulivi...e noi. Coat: Dani Tights: Pompea Boots: Nero Giardini ...Read More


February 23, 2013
Speaking of wellness...I didn't know about AVEDA before my cousin Luisa. IT IS AMAZING!!!  Really, I have very wild hair and I could't keep it curly. Using their specific line I am super satisfied. And many people now are asking me what I did to my hair...  Aveda sells naturally derived products, and they smell incredibly good. Try it, you'll see! Parlando di...Read More


February 21, 2013
Tadan!!!!!!!!!! And this is our night look. I hope you have one person to share the magic moments of your life like trips, successes, bad moments... and the everyday life as I do with my best friend Ioanna. A hug for all of you guys. Muack Tadan!!! E questa è la tenuta notturna. Spero che abbiate anche voi una persona con cui condividere...Read More

vILLa lA BorGHetta rESort

February 20, 2013
Sorry, I disappeared for two days, but I really needed some relax. I've been to the Villa la Borghetta Resort with Ioanna again, do you remember it? It is a reworking of a summer house that during the Reinassance belonged to the Piccolomini family. It is surrounded by acres of its own wood and countryside. Out of the windows you can see oak trees and...Read More

LiliANA This iS FOr yOU

February 17, 2013
I am so proud of this photoshooting. First of all cause Bob and I are trying to learn more and more about photography. Photos were taken with a Canon 1100D 50mm. Second cause this red Redingote has a long story. I leave you with a letter written by who gave it to me... P.s. I cry everytime I read it. Dear Sara, I...Read More

yeS We aRE PupiLs

February 17, 2013
I know, I know, it's a little bit too late for Carnival, but this is how Ioanna and I looked during the Carnival party. Two pupils, and I have to thank Ioanna for the dresses. :-x Lo so, lo so, è un pò tardi per Carnevale, ma questo era il look di come eravamo conciate durante la festa di Carnevale. Due studentesse, e...Read More

...anD fRiendS < 3

February 15, 2013
Yes, I spent my Saint Valentine's day with my best friend Ioanna. We celebrated it with a coffee inside the Four Seasons Hotel...LOVE IT. Sì, ho passato il giorno di San Valentino con la mia migliore amica Ioanna. L'abbiamo festeggiato regalandoci un caffè all Hotel Four Seasons...ADORABILE. ...Read More

lOVe bEtwEEN MY faMILy

February 13, 2013
I hate Sanit Valentine's day, so I prefer to share pics of love with my family. The heros of the day are my sis, my cat Nala, and my cusin Luisa that bought that cute Heart (I've already eaten it). P.s. last year I did the same. Io odio San Valentino, quindi preferisco condividere immagini di affetto con la mia famiglia. I protagonisti della giornata...Read More

SomeTIMEs U gotTA be POsh

February 13, 2013
I found this amazing dress in a vintage market, and I added some beads at the front cause I ruined it with my nail-polish :-( What do you think of me in this posh way? :-P Ho trovato questo fantastico vestito in un mercatino vintage, e ho aggiunto alcune perline nella parte anteriore perchè l'avevo rovinato con il mio smalto :-( Che ne...Read More

cHeckERs 'n sTRIPes

February 11, 2013
After the low temperature during the market day, I decided to wear my granny's fur again. I combined with it the tartan skirt and the striped shirt, a strange combination... Dopo le basse temperature durante la giornata di mercatino, ho deciso di indossare di nuovo la pelliccia di mia nonna. Ci ho abbinato la gonna in tartan con la camicia rigata, una strana...Read More

VintAge mArkeT

February 10, 2013
This is what I did in the mountains...I was working for this vintage market for one month. I have to admit that it wasn't so "profitable", I sold only one piece, but it is a good start. The climate between the sellers is really amazing, I had a lot of fun. Questo è ciò che facevo tra le montagne...stavo lavorando per questo mercatino...Read More

SweATer tUtoriAL

February 09, 2013
And here we are with the third Tutorial. If you wanna check the others click Here e Here. This one is the most difficult, cause it needs PATIENCE, but don't give up!!!! All you need is a monochrome sweater and a thread. Enjoy! Ed eccoci con il terzo tutorial. Se volete vedere gli altri due cliccate Qui e Qui. Questo è il più difficile, perchè richiede PAZIENZA, ma non...Read More

---> moUNtaINs

February 08, 2013
Yes, I am going to the mountains again, so... SNOW, SNOW and SNOW. But that's not the point...I'll tell you better in the next days. Direction TRENTO. P.s. Even if you gotta wear heavy sweaters and coats against the cold, you can give a twist to your look with jewels. Sì, sto tornando di nuovo tra le montagne, quindi... NEVE, NEVE, e ancora...Read More

sTill wEaRINg hEEls

February 08, 2013
Oh God these are the most comfortable heels I've ever worn!!! Really, I walked miles...This time I used them with a more casual look. Santo cielo, questi sono i tacchi più comodi che io abbia mai indossato!!! Davvero, ho camminato chilometri...Sta volta li ho abbinati ad un look un pò più casual. Coat: Dani Shirt: Vintage Turtleneck: Tezenis Leggings: Hue Ankle boots: Greisy...Read More

The cOupLES

February 07, 2013
Here you are some others streetphotography pics. I love the ones with the couples and you? Eccovi altre foto di foto-di-strada. Io adoro quelle con le coppie e voi? ...Read More

15 eUROs...

February 05, 2013
I can't stop my shopping, and usually I am a not a shopping-addicted-person...really, but these shoes costed only 15 euros...It was worth it!!! Non riesco a fermare il mio shopping, e normalmente non sono una malata-da-shopping...veramente, però queste scarpe costavano solo 15 euro...ne valeva la pena!!! Thights: Calzedonia Ankle boots: Greisy Everything else: Vintage ...Read More

chEckerED MaLE

February 04, 2013
Today a little bit male style. Here you are the checkered socks, I am still in love with them!!! Oggi stile un pò maschile. Eccovi di nuovo i calzini a scacchi, io ne sono ancora innamorata!!! Coat: Zara Hat: Oviesse Trousers: Armani Jeans Sweater: Vintage Socks: Sisi Oxfords: Zara Bag: Nannini ...Read More


February 03, 2013
This week-end my parents come to Florence to visit me, and we went to a little city here in Tuscany called Lucca, Puccini's hometown. Very cute, but...you can't believe how it was raining cats and dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But let's find something positive in it...I bought my first pair of rain boots: Agatha Ruiz De la Prada (sales 35 euros, yuppiiiiii). Questa settimana sono venuti a...Read More


February 02, 2013
And here we are with the second tutorial. It's a little bit more difficult in respect of the first one. You have to sew a bit, but I am sure you are gonna make it work. I had this grandma's apron and I decided to transform it into a jumpsuit. Ed eccoci al secondo tutorial. E' un pò più difficile rispetto al primo. Dovete cucire...Read More

IraNiaN sUFFroN

February 02, 2013
Two days ago I was invited for lunch by my Persian friend Babak. I hadn't ever seen such a suffron, so I decided to make a post to share it with you. The suffron is red and inside the low case, the other is the pestle...so well decorated. Due giorni fa sono stata invitata a pranzo dal mio amico persiano Babak. Non avevo...Read More

pUff PaNT

February 01, 2013
Sporty, sporty. Today I made a lot of miles, so I needed to be comfy. These sneakers are super comfortable, so do the shorts (I wanna show them better). Sportiva, sportiva. Oggi ho fatto un sacco di chilometri, quindi avevo bisogno di essere comoda. Queste scarpe da ginnastica sono super adatte a camminare, lo stesso per questi shorts (ve li voglio mostrare meglio)....Read More
