Hi everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today I am too excited; for the first time in my life I've been to a dog show. I had to help with the reports, so I had the opportunity to see all these gorgeous dogs. Aren't they cute?! Ciao a tuttiiiiiii!!!! Oggi sono troppo esaltata; per la prima volta in vita mia ho assistito ad una mostra canina. Ho aiutato per...Read More
I am still forcing to consider it summer! Ahahah Today I reused this puglian dress in a more chic version, what do u think about it? Io mi sforzo ancora di considerare questo tempo estate! Ahahahah Oggi ho riutilizzato questo vestito pugliese in una versione un pò più elegante, che ne pensate? Dress: from Puglia Jacket: Vintage Shoes: Ferragamo Bag: Mariella Burani ...Read More
Girlish with a bit of man style. P.s. I really have to learn how to knot a tie!!! Femminile con un pizzico di stile maschile. P.s. Devo assolutamente imparare come fare il nodo alla cravatta!!! Shirt: My dad's shirt Dress: Oviesse Tie: Oviesse Heels: Gilardini ...Read More
Inspiring Florentine murals. I love the first one, but sometimes I would like to have more memory... Murales fiorentini che ti fanno viaggiare. Mi piace un sacco il primo, anche se a volte vorrei avere un pò più di memoria... ...Read More
I wanna show you these gorgeous nail-polishes by Deborah Lippmann. First of all I am in love with their design. Second they are sparkling, but they cover the nail with colour too. For now I tested just the blue one (Across the Universe), I am very curious about the red one (Ruby Red Slippers)... P.s. Cute names uh?! Vi voglio mostrare questi magnifici...Read More
I had a wonderful and peaceful Sunday guys, and u?? I had a little walk in the citycenter, and getting up in a sporty mood, this is the result... Ho passato una magnifica e rilassante domenica ragazzi, voi?? Ho fatto una piccola passeggiatina in centro, e svegliandomi in modalità sportiva, questi sono i risultati... Sweater: Tally weijl Hat: Oviesse T-shirt: Vintage Skirt: Vintage...Read More
VOGUE FASHION NIGHT OUT in Florence 18th Sept. I know guys that it's a little bit TOO late, but, who cares?! I love fashion, but I hate too many people. At the beginning I just wanted to have a look, but then... I can assure u that it was a gorgeous event. I show u some of the gadgets I got: p.s. I...Read More
Happy days!!! Many of my friends got their graduation this week, I am so happy for them! Exept that, I am happy also for this mild weather, I LOVE wearing summer clothes! My parents last month have been in USA-Canada, and gave me and my sis many little gifts. One of them was this transparent shirt, love at first sight! Giornate felici!!! Molti...Read More
Besiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, congratulations!!!! I am so proud of him! Now he is an architect, I hope to become an architect too....AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Some pics of the crazy night during the celebration. P.s. thank you Rando for having sponsored us with the sunnies. Besiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, congratulazioni!!!! Sono molto orgogliosa di lui! Ora è un architetto, spero di diventarlo anch'io...IL PIU' PRESTO POSSIBILE. Alcune foto...Read More
OMG It had been a very full we; today I harvested the grapes, now we have just to wait the wine...ahahahah It's a tradition for our family, in the pics u can see my cousin Luisa and my sis Faby...and the dog Rex. p.s. And what about my grape-nailpolish?!ahahah Santo cielo, è stato davvero un fine settimana moooolto pieno; oggi ho vendemmiato, e...Read More
This is the last month before the Autumn that this garden (Vivarelli-Colonna) in Florence is open... I thought to go there one more time...it's like a Paradise in the city center. Questo è l'ultimo mese prima dell'autunno che tiene aperto il giardino Vivarelli-Colonna qui a Firenze...ho pensato di fargli una visitina...è un paradiso nel pieno centro. T-shirt: From an Yngwie Malmsteen concert. Skirt:...Read More
I thought that the summer was finisehd... NOT YET. Today was so nice walking down the street. Pensavo che l'estate fosse finita...NON ANCORA. Oggi era così bello camminare per strada. T-shirt: Handmade by me... Skirt: vintage Shoes: Fornarina Belt: Guess ...Read More
Hearts, love and happiness. I wanna show u this necklace. It's a sort of talisman for me: - first of all it's a present. - second it has a light blue stone that is so relaxing at the base of it. - third it's very easy to combine. Surely it is my favourite necklace. Do u know when you are packing and there...Read More
Today I thought to have a walk along the river, now that I don't have to study a lot and it's still hot, I had to take the opportunity! Oggi ho pensato di andare a fare una passeggiatina lungo il fiume, adesso che non ho troppo da studiare ed è ancora caldo bisogna cogliere l'occasione! T-shirt: Oviesse Shirt: Vintage Trousers: Vintage Sandals: Bottega...Read More
Finally a much more "fashionable" post, I was missing them... Thank u Besi for giving me your camera.xxx Here's a mix of a sporty and chic style. I am very curious about what do u think of the sneakers...somebody loves them somebody hates them. P.s. My landlady when I turned said to me: " Ah, but that dress is full of surprises!" ;-P...Read More
This year my holidays were very simple. I just relaxed with my family in Puglia first and then I hosted a friend of mine, Alessandro, and my cousin Luisa. It's just to have good company, it doesn't matter where you are. Here you can see a party that Luisa my sis and I organized...out of the blue. Well....WE HAD FUN. P.S. in the...Read More
I wanna introduce u Friso, an amazing black horse. He belonges to a puglian friend of my parents. We are getting in touch step by step...as u can see in the video...maybe next time I go to puglia I can try to ride him...who knows?! It's so funny the pic taken by my sister, I was trying to communicate with him...ahahahah. Vi voglio...Read More