
English hunting style bedroom makeover

January 21, 2019

You know how much I love DIYing and MAKEOVERing. This time I tackled the bedroom of my hometown... that really needed some help!
As usual, I spent a ridicolous amount of money, the only things that I bought were the paints, the curtains and the two glasses by IKEA. So let's say 60euros in total. 
For the rest I readjusted the things that I already had in the house.
Glass lamp shade IKEA: https://goo.gl/q18yri
Curtain rod: https://goo.gl/3PLGav
Link to the Sorry Girls Sconce light fixture idea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_r8V6jAZJLM 
Sapete quanto io ami il FAI DA TE e i rifacimenti di stanze. Questa volta ho affrontato la camera da letto della mia città natale... che aveva davvero bisogno di aiuto!
Come al solito, ho speso una somma di denaro infinitesimale, le uniche cose che ho comprato sono state le vernici, le tende e i due paralumi di IKEA. Quindi diciamo 60 euro in totale.
Per il resto ho riadattato le cose che avevo già in casa.
Paralume in vetro IKEA: https://goo.gl/q18yri
Asta per tende: https://goo.gl/3PLGav
Link al video con l'idea delle "The Sorry Girls" per le applique da muro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_r8V6jAZJLM
Ξέρετε πόσο μου αρέσουν τα πρότζεκτ για το σπίτι. Αυτή τη φορά αντιμετώπισα την κρεβατοκάμαρα στο πατρικό μου... που χρειαζόταν πραγματική βοήθεια!
Όπως συνήθως, ξόδεψα ένα γελοίο ποσό χρημάτων, τα μονα πράγματα που αγόρασα ήταν τα χρώματα, οι κουρτίνες και τα δύο γυαλιά από το IKEA. Ας πούμε 60ευρώ συνολικά.
Για τα υπόλοιπα επαναπροσδιορίσα τα πράγματα που είχα ήδη στο σπίτι.
Γυάλινο καπέλο για απλικα IKEA: https://goo.gl/q18yri
Κουρτινόξυλο: https://goo.gl/3PLGav
Κουρτίνες: https://goo.gl/c4n1TK
Link στο βίντεο τις "The Sorry Girls" για την ιδέα της απλίκα: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_r8V6jAZJLM

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