Alma Zois: Cancer Research Association
October 30, 2018This is seriously a post that means a lot to me. Sunday 21st October in Ypsila Alonia square in Patra (Greece) I took part in a walk to support the Research against the cancer led by Alma Zois Patra. The walk had the aim to inform, inspire and bring outside people that don't feel confident cause they are in therapy. The energy in the square was incredible. Finally people that are fighting for a good cause.
I experienced all of this in the first person with my father, yes, you heard well, breast cancer is not only for women, so everyone must be aware! October is the month for the prevention, and it is so important to attend this events, cause you will get informed, and many times they offer even free services.
I was there with my boyfriend (that was taking photos), a friend of mine: Kostantina, maybe you remember her from this post, and Christy, that was in the organization of all the event, a big BRAVO to her (the blue tee).
We just paid a symbolic amount to have the t-shirt and then we got balloons on the spot. The pink river that was passing through the streets of Patra has been really an emotional moment.
Questo è davvero un post che significa molto per me. Domenica 21 ottobre in piazza Ypsila Alonia, a Patrasso (Grecia), ho preso parte ad una passeggiata per supportare la Ricerca contro il cancro guidata da Alma Zois Patra. La passeggiata aveva lo scopo di informare, ispirare e far uscire di casa le persone che non si sentono sicure, perché in terapia. L'energia in piazza era incredibile. Finalmente qualcuno che combatte per una buona causa.Ho vissuto tutto questo in prima persona con mio padre, sì, avete sentito bene, il cancro al seno non attacca solo le donne, quindi tutti devono essere informati! Ottobre è il mese della prevenzione ed è molto importante partecipare a questi eventi, perché si imparano un sacco di cose e molte volte vengono offerti anche servizi gratuiti.
Ero lì con il mio ragazzo (che scattava le foto), una mia amica: Kostantina, forse ve la ricordate da questo post, e Christy, che era nell'organizzazione di tutto l'evento, a cui faccio le congratulazioni (con la maglietta blu ).
Abbiamo dato una cifra simbolica per avere la maglietta e poi abbiamo avuto a disposizione i palloncini in loco. Il fiume rosa che ha attraversato le strade di Patrasso è stato davvero un momento emozionante.
Έζησα όλα αυτά με τον πατέρα μου, ναι, ακούσατε καλά, ο καρκίνος του μαστού δεν είναι μόνο για τις γυναίκες, οπότε όλοι πρέπει να γνωρίζουν! Ο Οκτώβριος είναι ο μήνας για την πρόληψη και είναι τόσο σημαντικό να παρακολουθείτε αυτά τα γεγονότα, γιατί θα ενημερωθείτε και πολλές φορές προσφέρουν ακόμη και δωρεάν υπηρεσίες.
Ήμουν εκεί με το αγόρι μου (που έβγαζε φωτογραφίες), μια φιλη μου: την Κωσταντίνα, ίσως την θυμάστε από αυτό το post και η Κρίστι, που ήταν στην οργάνωση της εκδήλωσης, ένα μεγάλο BRAVO γι 'αυτήν (με το μπλε μπλουζάκι ).
Απλά πληρώσαμε ένα συμβολικό ποσό για να έχουμε το μπλουζάκι και έπειτα πήραμε μπαλόνια επί τόπου. Ο ροζ ποταμός που περνούσε από τους δρόμους της Πάτρας ήταν πραγματικά μια συναισθηματική στιγμή.
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Pics by Tilemachos Tsouramanis