
Helsinki, näyttö fashion show, kumpula festival and Lumene Finland

June 11, 2018

Hi there, here are my three days in Finland. First things first: I LOVE FINLAND. I know, I know, I say it every time I go there (you can find the other posts here, here, here and here), but in every season it has something different and magical to show. This was the first time that I went for summer, and... WOOOW... the weather was perfect, everywhere was green and the light was never going away, this is something logical, that everyone knows, but when you actually live it, it is totally different.
This time I came to attend the Näyttö fashion show, a sort of Helsinki fashion show were the designers are the students of the Alvar Aalto school. My friend Anna Semi was one of these students, and I couldn't be more proud of her.
I recorded also a video to live with me the highlights of these three days. 
Ecco i miei tre giorni in Finlandia. Per prima cosa: IO ADORO LA FINLANDIA. Lo so, lo so, lo dico ogni volta che vado (potete trovare gli altri post qui, qui, qui e qui), ma in ogni stagione ha qualcosa di diverso e magico da mostrare. Era la prima volta che andavo durante la stagione estiva, e... WOOOW... il tempo è stato magnifico, verde ovunque e il giorno non finiva mai, ok è una cosa nota, ma quando lo si vive veramente, è completamente diverso.
Questa volta sono venuta per partecipare alla sfilata di moda Näyttö, una sorta di Helsinki fashion show, dove i designer erano gli studenti della scuola Alvar Aalto. La mia amica Anna Semi era uno di questi studenti, e non posso che essere orgogliosa di lei.
Ho registrato anche un video per farvi vivere con me i momenti salienti di questi tre giorni.
Σ'αυτό το post θα δείτε της τρεις μέρες που πέρασα στη Φινλανδία. Πρώτα απ όλα: ΑΓΑΠΩ ΤΗΝ ΦΙΝΛΑΝΔΙΑ. Το ξέρω, το λέω κάθε φορά που πάω εκεί (μπορείτε να βρείτε τα άλλα post εδώ, εδώεδώ και εδώ), αλλά σε κάθε εποχή έχει κάτι διαφορετικό και μαγικό να δείξει. Ήταν η πρώτη φορά που πήγα για το καλοκαίρι και... WOOOW... ο καιρός ήταν τέλειος, παντού ήταν πράσινο και ο ήλιος δεν κατεβενε ποτέ, αυτό είναι κάτι λογικό που όλοι ξέρουν, αλλά όταν το ζεις στην πραγματικότητα, είναι εντελώς διαφορετικό.
Αυτή τη φορά παρευρέθηκα στην επίδειξη μόδας Näyttö, ένα είδος επίδειξης μόδας του Ελσίνκι που οι σχεδιαστές είναι οι μαθητές της σχολής Alvar Aalto. Η φίλη μου Anna Semi ήταν ένας από αυτούς τους φοιτητές και δεν θα μπορούσα να είμαι πιο περήφανη γι 'αυτήν.
Έγραψα επίσης ένα βίντεο για να ζείσετε μαζί μου τα κυριότερα στιγμιότυπα αυτών των τριών ημερών.

The first day in the morning I was alone, so I took the opportunity to do a little bit of sightseeing, above all Temppeliaukio Church: the rock church, cause last time I hadn't got the chance to visit it. I have to say that it is incredible, I totally suggest it! And then I had a walk in the city centre, where my favourite spots are: the Kamppi Chapel: chapel of silence, entirely made of wood, the national romanticist Central Station, that reminds me of Gotham city and the park around Finlandia Talo, where luckily that day people were running a race.
La mattina del primo giorno ero da sola, così ho colto l'occasione per fare un po ' la turista, soprattutto per quanto riguarda la Chiesa di Temppeliaukio: la chiesa rupestre, perché l'ultima volta non avevo avuto la possibilità di visitarla. Devo dire che è incredibile, la consiglio assolutamente! Poi ho fatto una passeggiata nel centro città, dove sono i miei posti preferiti: la Cappella di Kamppi: cappella del silenzio, interamente realizzata in legno, la stazione centrale romanticista nazionale, che mi ricorda Gotham city e il parco intorno a Finlandia Talo, dove per mia fortuna quel giorno stavano correndo una gara.
Την πρώτη μέρα το πρωί ήμουν μόνη μου, γι 'αυτό είχα την ευκαιρία να κάνω μια μικρή περιήγηση στα αξιοθέατα, πάνω από όλα στην Εκκλησία Temppeliaukio: η πέτρινη εκκλησία, γιατί την τελευταία φορά δεν είχα την ευκαιρία να την επισκεφτω. Πρέπει να πω ότι είναι απίστευτητην προτείνω σίγουρα! Και μετά περπατούσα στο κέντρο της πόλης, όπου τα αγαπημένα μου σημεία είναι: το παρεκκλήσι Kamppi: παρεκκλήσι της σιωπής, εξ ολοκλήρου από ξύλο, ο εθνικός ρομαντικός κεντρικός σταθμός τρένων, που μου θυμίζει το Gotham city και το πάρκο γύρω από το Finlandia Talo, όπου εκείνη την ημέρα διεξήγαγαν έναν αγώνα τρεξίματος.

In the evening I could catch up with some of anna's friends that were incredible, we really had good time together before the show. The Näyttö was unbelievable, 22 students put their best efforts on their collections and the result was a show that could be pass for a work done by high brands. Unfortunately I didn't have the best sit (I thought I had, but then a cameraman from the staff was exactly in front of me) so it was hard to shoot nice pictures and a good, video, but I hope you will get the idea.

La sera ho potuto incontrare alcuni amici di Anna che sono stati adorabili, ci siamo davvero divertiti insieme prima dello spettacolo. Il Näyttö è stato incredibile, 22 studenti hanno concentrato i loro sforzi sulle loro collezioni e il risultato è stato uno spettacolo che poteva essere scambiato per un lavoro svolto da marchi prestigiosi. Sfortunatamente non avevo il posto migliore (pensavo di averlo, ma poi un cameraman dello staff era esattamente di fronte a me) quindi è stato difficile scattare belle foto e fare un buon video, ma spero che diano l'idea.
Το βράδυ βρεθήκαμε με μερικούς φίλους της Anna που με εκαναν να αισθανθώ σαν στο σπίτι μου, περάσαμε πραγματικά τέλεια μαζί πριν από την παράσταση. Το Näyttö ήταν απίστευτο, 22 σπουδαστές έδωσαν το καλύτερο τους εαυτό, και το αποτέλεσμα θα μπορούσε να είναι δουλειά από μεγάλο οίκο μόδας. Δυστυχώς δεν είχα την καλύτερη θέση (νόμιζα ότι είχα, αλλά ένας cameraman έκατσε ακριβώς μπροστά μου) έτσι ήταν δύσκολο να βγάλω ωραίες φωτογραφίες και ένα καλό βίντεο, αλλά ελπίζω ότι θα πάρετε μια ιδέα.

The second day was even more incredible cause we went to the Kumpula festival, were you can listen to live bands, chill out and you are totally surrounded by nature and wooden houses... It was like living in a movie.
From the day after I don't have pictures cause we just relaxed and we had a walk in the harbour area, so we could see Helsinki from the sea, but you can see it in the last part of the video.
Il secondo giorno è stato ancora più incredibile perché siamo andati al festival di Kumpula, ci sono band che suonano, ci si può rilassare e si è completamente circondati dalla natura e dalle tipiche casette in legno... E' stato come vivere in un film.
Del giorno successivo non ho foto, perché ci siamo rilassate e abbiamo fatto una passeggiata nell'area del porto, ed abbiamo potuto vedere Helsinki dal mare, però potete vederlo nell'ultima parte del video.
Η δεύτερη μέρα ήταν ακόμα πιο απίστευτη γιατί πήγαμε στο φεστιβάλ Kumpula, εκεί παίζουν live music, μπορείς να χαλαρώσεις και είσαι εντελώς περιτριγυρισμένος από τη φύση και τα ξύλινα σπίτια... Ήταν σαν μια ταινία.
Από την επόμενη μέρα δεν έχω φωτογραφίες γιατί απλά χαλαρώσαμε και κάναμε μια βόλτα στην περιοχή του λιμανιού, έτσι μπορούσαμε να δούμε το Ελσίνκι από τη θάλασσα, όμως μπορείτε να το δείτε στο τελευταίο μέρος του βίντεο.

Last advice: if you are in Finland really check out the brand LUMENE, it is a Finnish brand and for now from what I got I am in love with the Lip Balm: Invisible Illumination Pink and the Night Cream: Smoothing night cream anti-age.
Ultimo consiglio: se siete in Finlandia date un'occhiata al marchio LUMENE, è un marchio finlandese e per ora da quello che ho provato me ne sono innamorata. I miei prodotti preferiti sono stati il Lip Balm: Invisible Illumination Pink e la Night Cream: Smoothing night cream anti-age.
Τελευταία συμβουλή: αν βρίσκεστε στη Φινλανδία, να ρίξετε μια μάτια στην μάρκα LUMENE, είναι μια φινλανδική μάρκα καλλυντικών και από αυτα που πήρα είμαι ερωτευμένη με το Lip Balm: Invisible Illumination Pink και την Κρέμα Νύχτας: Smoothing night cream anti-age .

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