
Bathroom make over

bathroom November 30, 2017
In the bathroom makeover the first thing we kept in mind was: neutral palette. And we wanted to refuse the common idea of the porcelain white bathroom. Highlights: shiny silver bowl basin; diffuse light from the mirror, totally see through shower...and BIDET, the last one was fondamental. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nel nostro progetto per il bagno, la prima cosa che abbiamo tenuto presente è stata:...Read More

Basilicata: Matera

basilicata November 29, 2017
Here we go, the last post of this amazing Italian south tour, today I am in Basilicata, in another UNESCO world heritage spot: "I Sassi di Matera". This place is suspected to be among the first human settlements in Italy, here people can say that they are still living in the same houses of their ancestors (9000 years ago). These houses are generated...Read More

Puglia: Alberobello's Trulli

comfy November 24, 2017
I am writing this post under a massive blanket, outside the weather is screaming to go out, but I feel sick :-( Anyway, here we go with another italian post: Trulli of Alberobello, they are part of UNESCO world heritage sites, and if you look at the pictures, you will understand why. It was my second time here, but I was so excited...Read More

Puglia: Santa Maria di Leuca

ankleboots November 21, 2017
Good morning, I just arrived in my beloved Greece, hopefully I will have more time to edit some of the Italian pictures. This trip have been really intense, but so cool. Here we are in Santa Maria di Leuca, the southest part of Puglia, so actually I was at the very end of the heeled boot of Italy. The weather didn't help us...Read More
