I can't even believe that I found one internet connection. If you follow me, you know that I have a really complicated relationship with internet. Since I am in Crete I could't find something decent to make my posts, so these pics are from the FIRST WEEK OF APRIL...unbelievable! If you take a photo of me now I look older...ahaha, joking. Anyway, here...Read More
Tadaaaaaan, my first Athens Fashion Week! After a lot of troubles we did it! I don't even want to talk about it, the result is that we made it. I have seen some inspiring brands and others not so innovative, but in the end I am satisfied. I would like to underline the names: Avgousta Theodoulou (knitted pieces) and also Marios (a little...Read More
Colours again! I say it one more time: I don't like spring...maybe I am the only person in this world! There is a kind of forced happiness in the air. But what I have to admit is that the colours are amazing in this season, and I am more inspired to wear colours too. This post is shot in Piksida, one restaurant next...Read More