
Athens fashion trade show 2018

athens January 29, 2018
Hello, I am so excited for this post. For the second time I have attended the Athens Fashion Trade Show. Only Greek brands. It have been so nice to peek all the collections. I took pics of my outfit outside, the light wasn't that good to take other pics inside, so I have a video for youuuuuu. I picked up the brands that...Read More


beanie January 25, 2018
This skirt has been a b-day gift from my auntie, it has a gipsy touch that I adoooore. Today I am in the category of carefree outfits that are sooooo comfy: maxi skirt, maxi cardigan and beanie...should I say more?! For the special touch I used this peacock belt of my mum, super vintage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Questa gonna è un regalo di compleanno della...Read More

How to clean stains from matress and sofa

acquaossigenata January 23, 2018
You know those yellow stains that sometimes you find in the mattresses or the deep dirt that pervades white sofas?!  Ok, now you can make them totally disappear, and it is super easy: - 100ml hydrogen peroxide - one table spoon of baking soda - one drop of dish soap - spray bottle\ tooth brush Watch the video to learn it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sapete...Read More

Red circus on the water

bootsmania January 17, 2018
Ahaha, it's becoming a tradition... What was not proper for the weather this time?! The hat! I was so proud of my hat-touch, but it was sooooooo windy, that I had to pretend to be ok in the blaster. Except for this inconvinience, I love this bright outfit... look at the jacket?! So nice! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ahahah, sta diventando una tradizione... Cosa indossavo di...Read More

Nafplion with two photographers

excursion January 13, 2018
Ta daaaaaan, finally the pictures of last week in Nafplion. This week was super full. I am working in a super nice project... nothing to do with fashion, but hopefully soon I will share with you a video to show you what I am doing in these days. Coming back to this post... as always I wasn't dress in the proper way...agrrrr. In...Read More

Lil carrot out of the ground

boots January 08, 2018
Should we say: Orange is the new black?! Guess soooooo. Sometimes I go a little crazy with my outfits, and I thought that this was one of these times, but incredibly, everyone I met, liked this look... craziness score!!! To realize this style, you have to collect all the orange items of your closet and wear them...ahahah! I chose this palette, cause this...Read More
