Ok, I think this is the best post I have ever done. I am simply in love with this shooting. These amazing cherry trees helped a lot! By coincidence my dress was simply perfect with the background. This pics have been shot close to Tripoli in Greece. I reused this dress again, but this time i put it on my waist so it...Read More
Helllllllo! With the summer season, yes, here in Greece is not spring anymore, I really want to see colours. For this outfit I used the tones from coral to orange. You know that I like to use items in different ways...this time again I used a mini dress as the top of my outfit combined with the jeans. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ciaaaaaao! Con l'estate, sì,...Read More
I still have few posts about Patra's countryside to share with you. This skirt is one of my very first creations, so I am really attached to it. For the shooting I was wearing this hat, cause I think it matches a lot with the style, but I have to say that "in normal life" I used the combination without hat. There is...Read More
In the meanwhile I arrived in Crete. Today I am KO, but I have interneeeeeet! Super. This is enough to feel lighter. This post has been shot few days before leaving. I am still thinking of my cats...I will miss them so much. This is the mother: Ivi. Today is my first day outside home, and I was nostalgic, that's why I chose...Read More
And here we are with the last day of Helsinki... in the meanwhile Finland is far away from my mind, cause tomorrow we will move to Crete for the summer season. We visited Alvar Aalto house, the white building with the typical rationalist style; we enjoyed the Sibelius' monument, that reproduces the pipes of the organ; we have been to the Museum of...Read More
I am terribly sorry for the lack of updates...but being a blogger without internet is the hardest job :-( We asked to check our line more than one month ago, but there are still problems, sigh. So I just wanna say thank you for all your kind comments...but with the connection data is really impossible to answer all of you. There are day...Read More
It will be a suuuuuper long post. Yes I know, I left you with the info about Finland...well, I came baaaack. First of all I was travelling the day after what happened in Bruxelles...so I was a little bit anxious, but everything went well. I lllllove Finland, I really suggest you to visit this wonderful country with amazing people. When I arrived it...Read More