I have to wear uniform at work, that's why I don't have many chances to wear my own clothes...sigh! Most of them are untouched since the season started. This is one of the rare moments that I was wearing something more stylish...so I share :-P -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A lavoro ho sempre l'uniforme, quindi non ho mai occasione di mettere i miei poveri vestiti...sigh! La...Read More
Hello beauties! This is the reportage of one night out in Heraklion, the capital of Crete. Unfortunately the light wasn't so much, so the pics are not technically perfect as they should be, but I like the energy of these photos, so I share them. That night I felt a little bit eccentric, and this is the result of my outfit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ciao...Read More
Opaaaa! Last week I attended my first Greek wedding, that was an experience! I have to say that the funniest part was the dances: only typical and folkloristic Greek music. And when we speak about dancing I never say no (you can check my instagram 7sevendaysara). At first I didn't know what to wear, in the end I've chosen a short black dress...Read More