I love living in Florence, but coming back to my village in the mountains gives another energy. I really miss colour GREEN. Today I went out with my family for a walk. It was amazing: we saw animals, rivers, plants... Tip of the week: Every now and then a walk in the countryside it's a "cure-all" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adoro vivere a Firenze, ma tornare...Read More
Today's post has shot half by me, half by my sis. I was feeling really hippy: insted of wearing flowers, I decided to water them :-) I love this bright colours, and the watering can was perfect for the palette...ahahahah. Another new entry...except the watering can... :-P are these earrings, a present from my mum. I find them super delicate, perfect for an...Read More
This year I saw a lot of fashion shows, someone better, someone not...I'll show you one at a time. This one was right out S.Lorenzo Church Florence. It was the presentation of the final year of a Fashion School, theme: DREAMS. I can't say that I liked all the dresses, but here you can find some to have the idea. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quest'anno ho...Read More
Ok, today for you a post a little bit different from the others. I wanna show you how many styles you can change just with one foulard . Magic word: CREATIVITY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, oggi per voi un post un pò diverso dagli altri. Vi voglio mostrare quanti stili si possono cambiare solamente con un foulard. Parola magica: CREATIVITA'. ...Read More
And now something more cozy. Here I had just woke up in Trento, in my sis' apartment. Whatever-hair-style, with a sort of pajamas-training suit. Who hasn't been like this at least...ONCE A WEEK...Ahahahah ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E ora qualcosa di comodo. Qui mi sono appena alzata a Trento, nell'appartamento di mia sorella. Capelli alla "va là che va bene", con una sottospecie di pigiama-tuta. Chi...Read More
Ok, maybe this outfit with the hat it's a little bit too much, but guys...I love hats!!! I should be born in England...This one has been bought in a Peruvian shop in Florence. Just to understand: the hat was in the shop only to be exposed...I wanted it so badly that I conviced the shop-assistant to sell it! Another new entry are these...Read More
Voilà , this is the first real fashion-post after months. As many of you already know, I prefer simple outfits to the more studied ones, cause I don't see the point to shoot unwearable clothes. Today I've shot with a friend...this coloured flower...ahahahah. I was so inspired. I've always liked simple T-shirts combined with ripped jeans and heels. Wearing heels is not the first...Read More
After few months, here I am again! It was hard to decide which post was the best to re-enter my blog world. In the end I've chosen a simple one with my sis. We had great time in this new area of Trento. The weather was perfect, as well as our mood. I leave you with some pics in this sculpture-park of "Le...Read More