Looking at these pics I miss this wonderful hair I had, sigh I would like to have a private hairdresser sometimes. This look is very minimal, a dress, a pair of ankle boots and maxi ear-rings. Guardando queste foto ho già nostalgia di questi magnifici capelli che avevo qui, sigh, a volte vorrei davvero avere un parrucchiere personale. Questo look è molto minimal,...Read More
Thanx my friend Marina I bought these lovely jewelry connected to the tailoring...the scissors and the sewing machine-clock. I wore a simple outfit to give them the right importance. Grazie alla mia amica Marina ho comprato questi adorabili gioiellini abbinati alla sartoria...le forbici e l'orologio-macchina da cucire. Mi sono vestita con un outfit molto semplice per dargli la giusta importanza. Shirt: Vintage T-shirt:...Read More
Today I am dressed with my mum's clothes made by my grandma... I am so impressed every time I see this kind of handmade clothes, tailoring is really an art! One day I would like to be so good in sewing. Oggi sono vestita con i vestiti di mia mamma fatti da mia nonna...sono sempre colpita quando vedo questo genere di cose fatte...Read More
Yesterday it was really the first spring day. So I enjoyed it with Ioanna having a walk. Have a nice day guys. Ieri è stato il primo vero giorno di primavera. Quindi me la sono goduta con Ioanna facendo una passeggiata. Buona giornata ragazzi. ...Read More
I wanted to share with you the pics of last party I have attended. The dress code was the black tie and I was very happy about it cause it's not so common for a student to find events that are including long dresses ( I love long dresses). I went there with some friends of mine, but let's say that the group...Read More
Today? A lace day! And It is starting to get warm too, yeyyyyyyy! Oggi? Giornata da pizzo! E sta cominciando ad essere anche più caldo, sììììììììì! T-shirt: Adidas Longsleeves: Yamamay Shorts: Intimissimi Boots: Nero Giardini Tights: Calzedonia ...Read More
Today I had the rainy boots cause yesterday night I slept at Ioanna's place, and the weather was so bad.... but I had fun walking in the street in a sunny day with my rainy boots... Oggi indossavo gli stivali da pioggia perchè ieri notte ho dormito da Ioanna ed il tempo è stato terribile... comunque mi sono divertita un sacco ad andare...Read More
Keep going on with the hippy style uh?! Oh yes!!!!! It is really my style in this period! This maxi bow reminds me of the easter egg...ahahaha. Continuo con lo stile hippy eh?! Eh sì!!!! E' davvero lo stile in cui mi riconosco di più in questo periodo! Questo maxi fiocco mi ricorda l'uovo di pasqua...ahahaha. Jacket: Hand made Skirt: Reds Boots: Mauro...Read More
Hi how have you been in these Easter holidays? I've been terribly bad. I had the flue :-( Anyway, I am here ready to start again. Today I brought the spring in my head with this maxi flower. Even if when a friend of mine saw me he said: " Pocahontas"... The bag is full of colours, from now on I am gonna...Read More