Wow, I love the winter time, but I really love to wear summer clothes!!! It's not time for sandals yet, but even if I used the boots I was so happy to have bare legs...FREEDOM. Wow, adoro l'inverno, ma mi piace un sacco indossare vestiti estivi!!! Non è ancora ora di sandali, ma anche se con gli stivali mi sono sentita veramente...LIBERA con...Read More
A short post about the last day of my family-trip. What a scenary...I am already missing it. At least I am happy that the weather is getting better. xoxo Un piccolo post sull'ultimo giorno del mio viaggio con la famiglia. Che paesaggi...mi mancano già . Almeno sono felice che il tempo stia migliorando. xoxo ...Read More
Second day: Arezzo, Montepulciano, Pienza. I used a sporty style again but more smart thank the Zara shirt, to complete the look hair in the air. Secondo giorno: Arezzo, Montepulciano, Pienza. Ho indossato sempre uno stile sportivo, ma un pò impreziosito dalla camicina di Zara, per completare il tutto, capelli in aria. ...Read More
A huge post for today. This is the first day of our family-tour. Our head-quarters were in Monte San Savino, then we visited Cortona and Lucignano. If you pass by, I suggest to visit also the small cities in Tuscany, they are amazing, full of nice places. Very comfortable outfit for the walk, basic clothes. I used a white t-shirt in order to...Read More
Hi!!! I am so excited; I spent three wonderful days with my family in the country-side here in Tuscany. This is the outfit I've chosen the first day...very country. I can't wait to show u the other photos...I am organizing them right now. Good night guys, I'm going to sleep it was a very full day. Hi!!! Sono così emozionata; ho trascorso tre...Read More
Today was one of the best moments of this year! Ioanna and I had to go out of Florence with the University, so Ema, one of our best friends, offered himself to accompany us...we were so close to the sea that we decided to go there. IT WAS AMAZING. And as u can see I never stopped laughing. Oggi è stato uno dei...Read More
It's a long time that I am not wearing this sweater, I was missing it I've chosen a sporty style: my old Silver Nike, this Guru sweater and the usual Hue leggings, I think I am gonna buy others in other colours, they are so comfortable! E' un sacco di tempo che non metto questa maglia, mi mancava proprio stamattina ...quindi ho...Read More
Mmm today I wanted something more crazy, you know when you get up and u feel like wearing something strange?! Unfortunately many times I am forced not to wear too crazy things because of the this is the look of the day instead, white and burgundy, the H&M dress on white D&G Jeans and a white shirt. Mmm oggi volevo qualcosa di...Read More
What a day...Sunday morning, nobody in the street and me coming from a full immersion-study-week-end. A very comfy outfit for the occasion. Have u noticed the t-shirt? It is the t-shirt of the header... Che giornata...Domenica mattina, strade deserte tranne me che tornavo da un week-end di studio full immersion. Outfit molto comodo per l'occasione. Avete notato la maglietta? E' la stessa della...Read More
I was looking at old photos and I found this one...Now I am really dreaming a brunch.There is a Diner in Florence and for brunch it really worth it!!! Have a nice week-end everybody. Stavo riguardando vecchie foto e ho trovato questa...Ora sto veramente sognando di fare un brunch. C'è un Diner a Firenze e per il brunch vale veramente la pena di...Read More
Oh, finally I did it!!!! I had this pair of socks I bought last November in NYC with the Empire State Building at littlemissmatched but I couldn't...match them...I solved the problem with a baseball look. Hope u like it. The bag and the hat are by Carpisa. Oh alla fine ce l'ho fatta!!! Avevo comprato questo paio di calzini con L'Empire State Building...Read More
Goodmorning. I love the post today. These are some look I've seen in Florence this month. Amazing isn't it?! Buongiorno. Adoro il post di oggi. Questi sono dei look che ho visto a Firenze questo mese. Fantastici vero?! ...Read More
Here are the rest of the photos of the park. Very easy for the walk. Ecco il resto delle foto del parco. Molto easy per la camminata. ...Read More
What a wonderful day! I have to study, but for half an hour I went to a park near my house to enjoy the sun. Sneak peek of the tomorrow outfit. Have a nice evening! xoxo Che bella giornata! Dovevo studiare, ma sono stata una mezz'oretta in un parco vicino casa per godermi un pò di sole. Piccola anteprima dell'outift di domani. Buona serata! xoxo...Read More
Yesterday I was inspired by the college style; high socks, wingtip shoes, shorts and a cardigan. Ieri sono stata inspirata dallo stile collegiale; calzini alti, francesine, shorts e cardigan. ...Read More
As I've already said, on Tuesday evening I stayed at Ioanna's place after an aperitif. I took some pictures of her house, isn't it gorgeous?! Come già anticipato, Martedì sera sono rimasta a casa di Ioanna dopo un aperitivo. Ho scattato alcune foto della sua casa, non trovate che sia fantastica?! ...Read More
I am back. I'm so sorry when I can't post something when I want... Today I had a workshop with the University out of Florence, so yesterday I stayed at Ioanna's place. These are some photos of Sunday night. I went to the cinema to see Hysteria, it was very funny, light and funny, perfect before a hard Monday morning at the University......Read More
Yes, it's hard to believe it, but this is my 100th post. I wish I'll write many many other times!!!! Have a nice day. Xoxoxo Sì, stento anch'io a crederlo, ma questo è il mio centesimo post. Spero di scriverne ancora tanti!!!! Buona giornata a tutti. Xoxoxo ...Read More
I mixed strange colours together. And finally I used my tie again, I am very happy! To do everything more colourful I wore the peruvian ear-rings, I find them so cute :-) Maybe tomorrw if I'll have time I'll post the labels of my clothes, but today I am really tired. Night guys! Ho mixato strani colori assieme. E finalmente ho usato di...Read More
Yesterday evening I went out with some friends to have a formal dinner, the place was gorgeous and the company even better!!! Ieri sera sono uscita con alcuni amici per una cena formale, il posto era magnifico e la compagnia, se posso dire, ancora migliore!!! ...Read More
Hi everybody. My new headband! I did it!!!! And I had the idea to fix upon it my flower-brooch. Nice isn't it?! And I am so happy to use my vintage Lanvin glasses again. And I used also my Accessorize necklace with the swallows Ciao a tutti. La mia nuova fascia! L'ho terminata!!!! E ho avuto l'idea di fissarci la mia spilla con...Read More