First of all Merry Christmas. The 22nd of December the Ktima Agouridi organized a Christmas Gala for Charity (for Agenito Paidi). There were many reasons to go: - first, because the place is unbelievable! The view from here is THE BEST of Patra. It is not a coincidence that the village, where it belongs, is called Thea (view). And the architectural taste of...Read More
Here we go with the second outfit, that I wore for The Voice of Greece. The focal point is the jacket, with the pop of flamingo-pink. All the rest is in the blue shade. For a little twist, the top is embroidered with sequins. And I have as always my super comfy sneakers, that helped me with the 12 hours that we were...Read More
Μου αρέσει πολύ η Ελλάδα και σπάνια νιώθω νοσταλγία για το σπίτι μου, αλλά ένα από τα πράγματα που μου λείπει περισσότερο από την Ιταλία είναι σίγουρα η ιταλική κουζίνα και πάνω απ 'όλα η PIZZA. Άλλωστε, σε ποιον δεν αρέσει η πίτσα;! Μετά από μερικούς μήνες διερεύνησης βρήκα το εστιατόριο που θα μπορούσε να σώσει τη ζωή μου εδώ στην Πάτρα: το...Read More
It is my second gift guide for Christmas, if you wanna see the one that I did last year, click HERE. I found 4 presents that are perfect for HER, 4 presents that are perfect for HIM and 2 bonus items that are good for anyone. If you haven't done shopping for christmas gifts yet, this is the perfect guide for you. FOR...Read More
I thought that could have been interesting to show you the looks that I choose for the Voice of Greece, even if I don't have the first two. You will find a selection of items, if you wanna recreate these looks, below. For this outfit I went for a romantic, elegant, but still a little bit casual touch. The statement piece is the...Read More
OK, sit down, grab a cup of tea or coffee, cause this is one of the biggest post that I have ever done, but it worth it!!! The last month, one of my friends, Dimitra Theofanidi, got the chance to sing in the television program THE VOICE OF GREECE. We started this journey together and I will just say that I am so...Read More