Hello everyone, I have tons of stuff to edit and show you. This post is about Sunday 20th of May, I wish I could have posted it sooner, but I didn't make it before my trip to Helsinki :-( I live in Patra, but not in the city centre, in a small village distant 15minutes by car, Krini. There are not so many...Read More
Here we are again with part two of the hacks to look beautiful in every picture. To see part one click here. This time we are gonna analize the body. I divided the advices in five chapters. 1 The first one are THE HANDS The hands are the first thing that shows you if you are confident while posing. The trick is super...Read More
After so many years of blog I collected some hacks to appear more photogenic, and now I am sharing them with you today. There will be two blog posts and two videos, this is part 1 regarding the face. There are no links to follow, cause anyone can reproduce these hacks with whatever you have at home. The first thing to do is...Read More
I thought it would be nice to collect some of the experiences that I have done this April... that was quite crazy and unbelievable in a positive way. If you are interested in live updates, I suggest to follow my instagram account 7sevendaysara. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ho pensato che sarebbe stato bello mostrare alcune delle esperienze che ho fatto questo aprile... che è stato abbastanza...Read More