
Stradivarius Spring Haul

haul April 29, 2018
Here we go: Stradivarius Spring Haul. The video is not sponsored, but I was so happy from my shopping, that I wanted to share it. I think it is the first time in my life that I buy so many things... and above all trousers, that normally are my nightmare (because of my hight and my wide waist). I got two trousers, two...Read More

The spring flowers

dressandboots April 25, 2018
This is what you call a spring post! Flowers everywhere: on me, on the background and on my hair. I wear a super old vintage handmade dress, it belonged to one of my mum's friends, and was made by her mother, that was working for Pitti's (international fashion exhibition in Florence ) old school. Even if the line may seem retrò, everything that...Read More

Kenzo poppy day

crocerossa April 21, 2018
This time I am seriously so happy about this post, cause you can help too: from 19th April to 21st June, the fashion brand Kenzo, for every pic with the ashtag #kenzopoppyday on the social networks, devolves 1 euro to the Croce Rossa Italiana, one italian association, that gives sanitarian and social help. Kenzo's symbol is the poppy, but you can also share...Read More


califorianoutfit April 19, 2018
The festival season is on! After three days of Coachella looks on my instagram, I got inspired to put one together too, I was only missing the emblematic panoramic wheel... So I went to a kids' luna park, and with the magic that only a 200lens can do (the background is always becoming giant), I got my wheel. I think that the goal...Read More

Guest room pinterest makeover with 80euros

accentwall April 17, 2018
Hello guys!!! I disappeared a bit because of the Orthodox Easter and because my entire family came to visit me, sooooo happy. I come back with this room make over, which I am so proud of!!!!! It is totally not the style of my other makeovers that you can find here, here and here, because it was for my friend Sofia's house. I...Read More
