
Yellow as the sun

boots February 24, 2017
Sun, yellow, warm energy. Legs out!!!!!!!!! Or almost. I started my outfit in a more extreme way today, then I decide to uncover just a little part of my legs. Let's don't forget that it's still February! But at the end I kept the extreme mood with the colour: this is a so nice yellow. I don't have anything special to say about...Read More

Rio Bridge

bridge February 18, 2017
It was a long time that I wanted to take pictures of this AMAZING bridge. I think it is one of the best Patra's attractions. It is so elegant and stylish that it feels like it's dancing over the sea. For this shooting I've choosen the perfect sunny day and the right dress. I think the contrast between the blue background with this...Read More

Popping colours

blue February 12, 2017
We ran out of updates lately, don't we?! Ehehe, the reason is my home sweet home. Step by step I am fixing the bedroom: painting, choosing furnitures, decorations, walls. Hopefully I can show you everything in maximum two weeks. Anyway, first of all, happy Sunday, today it was actually a SUN-day. This time the location is: Vrachneika, a really nice place of Patra,...Read More
