
New experiences

July 26, 2015
Believe it or not I was driving a boat!!!! Everything thank to my crazy sister that wanted to take a pic to the Capitan's cabin! When she asked him if she could do it, he replied that we could drive the entire boat by ourselves. It was really an experience! Unfortunately I had only few hours to do this trip, cause I had...Read More

Ancient Greek style

July 23, 2015
Everybody knows the excitment for wearing a new in...well today everything is a new in...so I was like one child with lollipops. First I bought these shoes that remind me the Greek god Hermes...just the wings are missing; and than I received this super comfy dress as a present...the detail of the leaves is cute isn't it?! Anyway, the location for the photoshooting...Read More


July 16, 2015
Last week my sister came to visit me. The first stop was of course Knossos. I have to say that I appreciated it even more the second time!!! Then, not on porpous my sister and I had the same colours of clothes, so I like this shooting even more. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La scorsa settimana è venuta a trovarmi mia sorella. La prima tappa è...Read More
